There are people in the world that really hate America. They trample/burn America’s flag and chant “Death to America.” Video evidence of this can be found in the documentary “Trump Card,” around the 43 minute mark and is available on YouTube. It is an interview at 43 minute mark and let me tell you why you should see that part…

I want to point out that those people would really like it if their enemies were homosexual…. The person in the interview had other choice things to say and there is talk that big money is being spent to influence our culture through media/other, in order to turn American citizens towards homosexuality. That situation is a red flag/evidence that homosexuality has a detrimental end result. That situation is probably a smoking gun that Homosexuality is unhealthy for you/others.

There are a lot of questions, but this strikes me as Muy Importante: “How do people get into Homosexuality?”

This video is someone I respect for their Honesty:

After you view that video I want to point out something that echos what he is talking about with “My lust had nowhere to go.”

“My lust had nowhere to go” is kind of like “I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that you never [again attempt to] stir up or awaken love until it pleases.” (Song of Solomon 8:4 AMPC) I think women are mainly charged here but it goes both ways… Don’t put sex in public so the people without sexual experience/appetite can keep their lives more simple/healthy. The guy in this interview, to me, highlights what sound doctrine Christians are trying to explain… Something went wrong with homosexual’s sexual appetites and they “practiced” sex incorrectly for that sex to be healthy (mentally/other) for them.

Song of Solomon 3:5 KJV- “Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken love until it so desires.”

Now the guy in the interview didn’t have access to women for his life to go towards heterosexuality like it might have if he did… That situation is a huge factor in the path of his life taking the turn Christians warn people about. What if you are someone else who perhaps is “Scared of men’s current-cultural sexual appetites,” and that situation forces you into Homosexuality? As a Christian I say, fight back against what is trying to force you into an unhealthy/unrighteous path of life. As your friend, I say: “I love you!” “But repent/it doesn’t end well!” “Please talk to Jesus about it!!!” “He loves you too!” IF you are in a situation that leaves you unable to find a partner of the opposite sex, then abstain from sex and the appetite will die… There is even an old Chinese philosophy quote that says/makes the observation that the appetite dies for sex if you abstain, so, humanity knows quite well you can kill that urge.

Special Note: I skip sex scenes in movies, I block sexually provocative advertisements, and good grief there are songs that might as well be pornography… If a book can be pornography then so can a song. I don’t listen to those. Nicolatian music??? Dear goodness people, don’t write swinger’s songs…

Special Note: You will hear me say “practice” a lot lately. My use of the word more and more is upon the psychological realization of how humans work. Your “practice(s)” determine a lot about you. I personally know The Holy Bible is the best psychology book out there. The Holy bible teaches psychology so well, that your psychology improves just by reading it…. That may sound like a line of B.S. but I want to point out my observation… The Bible uses the word “practice” when it comes to human behavior (psychology). Your PRACTICES! If you want to get over a fear of elevators psychologists today say: “You PRACTICE!” Don’t be among those that “PRACTICE” evil. What you PRACTICE shapes your habits, your abilities, your character, and your life… So much about you is “PRACTICE.” “PRACTICE” is the bread and butter of psychology. The Holy Bible is a tremendous book of psychology because it recognizes the place of “PRACTICE” in a humans life and instructs based around that principle of human psychology. TYG!

VERY Special Note: Practice Love… The Holy Bible is an instruction manual for practicing love. “God is Love” 1 John 4:8.

I also want to point this out: You were made in God’s image. You were born with the ability to create life… Your creator (God Our Father) has the ability to create life and gave that gift to you (in his image). If you choose homosexuality… I am certain you are going against his will/wishes for you and forsaking the gift he gave you. God made nature and you can’t make crooked what God made straight… It will lead you to suffering I believe. You are choosing the wrong path I believe; that is why I am trying so hard to change your mind(s)… because I love you.

If you are a practicing homosexual, you really need to talk to God about what you are doing. God/Jesus have enemies too. OUR adversary is on the earth, there are “unclean spirits”, God Our Father/Jesus are begging you to come learn from/of them so you can defend yourself from the heartache/bitterness and pressures/temptations of this world. You were “fearfully and Wonderfully made” –Psalms 139:14. God Our Father and Jesus care deeply about you- 1 Peter 5:7. It is not God Our Father’s will that any should perish – 2 Peter 3:9….. God Our Father (our creator) is benevolent, James 1:5, and you really need to talk to him about all this stuff. Let God help you navigate the world. Let God help you with your life.

Trying to give you a head start:

The school system in America lied/mislead when they taught sex education. Sex is not as safe as students are lead to believe in those classes. A condom isn’t going to stop your heart from being broken. A pill is not going to stop some selfish porno-addict from trying to do what he saw in swinger tapes to you. Anybody else hear about Dennis Prager’s friend getting choked during her and her new boyfriends first kiss because the guy thought she might want that? That video is in the “Sex Talks You Should See” section. That only happens if our youth’s source of information/preconception is bad. You better educate yourself first and think about how marriage safeguards your future by tying your partners future/life to yours. You get more time to feel each other out when you aim for marriage. There is a peacefulness to spending time with a partner who is also aiming for marriage that you don’t get if sex is on the table from the get-go. Make note of how Hollywood puts adultery on everything and how it is bad for your understanding/wisdom. Movies that have that stuff put pressure on you that you are better off without. It’s actually a risky situation to not be married before sex and there are tons of dangers you can not see coming because of your lack of understanding/experience/youthful perceptions! You need a trustworthy map of such things. There are bad ideas everywhere like “exploring your sexuality” is somehow a good idea… I think about how we have people climbing to the top of mount Everest… If people explored that, do you still think humanity doesn’t know everything there is to know about sex? We have good maps. We have a dependable map of sex. Humanity has explored a truly inhospitable area of the world and people died going there… and people still go back. Long story short you need a map. A trustworthy map about the dangers/risks involved in sex is crucial. People learned to take a map when you go somewhere dangerous and sex is obviously a risky situation. Who is giving you your map??? Did you hear about the producer/higher up in Hollywood that grabbed Terry Cruz’s balls when he was standing next to his wife at a gathering? Did you hear about the producer/higher up that stuck his finger in Brendan Frasier’s taint during a meal? I am not going to trust the information coming from people like that, and those producer’s movies are information/influences on people. Currently, we are living in a very dangerous time/generation because of misinformation. Get a trustworthy map. Watch out for taint grabbers selling bad ideas.

If I am being flat honest LGBT… I think The Devil tempted your flesh at a strategic time into homosexuality because you were open to the idea through bad information/influences instead of recognizing homosexuality’s detrimental consequences… This is just for reference but, some people smoke crack… Most people recognize the detrimental effects and keep that door to them ever becoming a crack-head closed. When crack first started, maybe some people who got hooked didn’t realize how bad it was going to be for them/others. They couldn’t see the end result of the behavior, (or consequence of “opening that door”) and got took unaware… Pornography was my crack in this case/”referential reference” and if you want “that” to be an oxymoron, then know I did OXY too. Beat me all the way down… Until you see that I know a wrong turn when I see it… Because I took so many wrong turns I can smell em’… Refer to “Chiefest amongst sinners.”–1 Timothy 1:15.

Special Note: It was not an oxymoron.

Special Note: Christians are opposed to homosexuality because they want you to be healthy. We recognize that homosexuality is unhealthy. We need to check and see who owns the Disney corporation currently… They have an agenda to normalize homosexuality and they are targeting our kids to accomplish that agenda. The new movie “Thor: Love and Thunder” is proof of that agenda and Disney is outspoken about that agenda as well. To have a “kid” oriented company teaching kids to choose an unhealthy lifestyle, but, present it to them as healthy is our enemies at work. The people plotting against America have big money apparently… Buying Disney corp and pushing their agenda is what I suspect. We need to open the eyes of the people in charge over there at Disney. I don’t think it is a coincidence that Disney is a kid oriented company and they are pushing the Homosexual agenda… I think that is a targeted attack at our generational gap. Too many companies do not push that agenda, and to find Disney doing that makes me suspect foul play. If you support cross dressers being let into elementary schools you better read or find out the psychology behind why those people cross dress… Communists paying drug-addict cross dressers to go to our schools and do what they did could be a psychological attack on our society. The plan is to broadcast it and apply the social pressure it creates like what I warned about in “A Letter to You My Friends.” These incidents are a misrepresentation of The American People’s will through communist held media sources most likely. If you are going to have a free market in America, you better insulate that market from being used in psychological warfare against America like what I am pointing out… If that sounds like a challenge to you then READ THE WEBSITE! PUT THE BIBLE BACK IN SCHOOLS TO INSULATE THE PEOPLE’S MINDS/LIVES AGAINST STUPID IDEAS!!!

PROBABLY JUST A PARAGRAPH: I heard an educated (and awesome) man speaking about how we (humans) did not create the laws of physics (among other laws that govern our creation), so what right do we have to create the laws of morality. I don’t doubt that there is enough proof of God’s existence on this website to convince anyone with an open mind to his existence… I urge you all to read God’s word and familiarize yourselves with it. I am sure the word is there to keep us safe as well as add other benefits to human life. I love you guys. Take care!


To the people that would support America’s downfall or wish this kind of misleading to befall their neighbor, I would point your eyes to the holy book of OBADIAH. Particularly Obadiah 1:10-15. Do not let yourself be used/deceived by our adversary(Satan) in such a way. You were taught better than that. If you practice Islam and care about your people… You better get your people corrected before God/Allah does. Love goes hand-in-hand with Godliness as part of our Abrahamic tradition. You know what happens when someone strays away from their Shepard too far.


You better watch those demonic possession videos, let them sink in until you can handle the truth… Then I suggest you read Obadiah 1 completely. God knows everything… A Holy Spirit filled pastor can read your thoughts while they are preaching a sermon. This I bear witness of. If you think your psychologists are smart… Why didn’t they perceive that human thoughts can come from somewhere beside a human’s spirit, heart, or own mind like Pastor Kenneth E. Hagin (and others) did, leading your cultures to revelation of God? You better stop any psychological warfare while you still can… Are you even the one(s) doing it or is it a “Get behind me Satan” moment over there? I would suggest you make effort to turn your evil works around hastily. Jesus read/perceived the thoughts of men in scripture. He will know every detail he chooses to know. If Jesus has given you time to repent I would use that time wisely in the fear of God. Don’t harden your heart like pharaoh did… Soviet psychologists HA!… Didn’t even find the Devil… Hopefully Russian psychologists will do better. Dear God, tell the Chinese when you do…

Special Note: Check out “A Question for Andrew Tate” on the main page under “Posts” for more insight into our current world. I don’t think the “posts” section can be seen from a cell phone. You may need a laptop, desktop, or tablet to see that section of the website.

I urge you to define these matters using The Holy Bile as your education tool… Get saved, learn to pray, come to church and learn. I wish that for all my loved ones.

Get your map from The Holy Bible. The light in the darkness (Truth amongst the lies) is Jesus… Please seek the knowledge in The Holy Bible and Jesus. God Bless You and Yours!

Legal Statement: This website and the information therein is free to transmit. If you share it on a public platform you get paid to transmit from, like YouTube or Spotify… I hereby legally authorize you to freely use this website and transmit the information there in without worry of legal or civil lawsuits of any kind. This website is free to everyone. I personally hope that if you find the information here of benefit that you will share the good news. That being said: I am getting heavy hacker attempts and I urge you all to make copies of anything you find interesting in case they get through.

If you are a fan of this website I need your help.  Please inspire others to seek knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Just say, when someone gives you the chance: “I am learning about Jesus.”  You can throw in the fact that there is a published agenda that went before congress, in which America’s enemies made it known that they wanted to separate us from the knowledge Jesus’s life afforded us…  You can say, “I want to know what my enemies didn’t want me to know.” I would really appreciate your help with this because proliferating the knowledge of Christ would have a blanket effect across all our problems. *that agenda is here, number 27 (and 28) is what I am talking about:

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If anyone ever tells you to PROVE God’s existence… you can pull your phone out and stick this website in their face. Pastor Hagin has a story about an encounter with a man that was genuinely upset about having proof of God/Heaven from the pastor. Pastor Hagin handled the situation with prayer, but, I assume that if he had a mobile phone with internet he would have just given them this website and said “Here it is, about eight different proofs. Sharing this website with someone is a great idea! It’s free!

Statement of faith: I praise the name of God Our Father, his son Jesus Christ, and my friend The Holy Spirit. I choose them as my family, and I bless their name.  Praise be to Jesus Christ for his victory over death, The Devil, and for redeeming me/us with his precious blood.  I am lost without you savior.  Thank you! Thank you also to all my prayer warriors for phoning those in for me! All Glory to God! Jesus saved my life!

Donations: If you have “Help You” money, then finding people that are trying to make the world a better place is a good investment. The MacArthur Fellowship is a great example of investing in creative individuals. I am hoping someone reading will give me a shot to make a difference with some serious financial grace/charity. I need to free up my time.

Donations: If you have “Help You” money, then finding people that are trying to make the world a better place is a good investment. The MacArthur Fellowship is a great example of investing in creative individuals. I am hoping someone reading will give me a shot to make a difference with some serious financial grace/charity. I need to free up my time.

Pastor Kenneth E Hagin notes that if our adversary can, he will jam an individual up financially. There is a God of this world called Satan. Our adversary has definitely interfered in my finances. I have witnesses who have seen the physical attacks. Being physically attacked by something invisible “limits your ability to earn money,” and I would be working a job that brings home triple what I make now if it were safe for me to do so.

Go Fund Me link: