Very informative and tons of things we should have been taught in schools in this first video. Big thumbs up! I think this is free for a limited time, so have a look while it is available. Only thing apart from this being an awesome learning video that I could say is in regards to Minute Mark 06:30:00. I urge you to consider that Chaos is a result of conflict and to take the bible at it’s word that “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,” so that you have a much better starting point for how you think about these things. Chaos came later as a result of conflict I believe.

Part 2 of some of the best video evidence around regarding demons/unclean spirits… (proof)

Ruslan KD (on Youtube) is a S.A. survivor and someone I enjoy tuning into time to time. Here he finds a very smart/wise man in Patrick Bet-David explaining some things in a way that I know is beneficial to everyone tuning in. Godspeed to both Ruslan and Patrick Bet-David. Nice sound over there.

Pastor Keith Moore is with KCM. They have a great group of Pastors there. I think this sermon is awesome and I know from experience that Satan/unclean spirits can garner information about you just like he explains. Very insightful and helpful video. I surely regret letting the devil push me to using my mouth to hurt others. Kenneth Copeland ministries has amazing Pastors.

I want to point out and highlight what happens in this video starting at the 1:07:00 Minute Mark. You could make a case for actors, but when you get to the young lady crying you get a better view of what is really going on. The end of this video represents (proof) and I hope you pay attention to the people he calls up front.

Reverend Jesse Duplantis in his early years (one of my favorite sermons):

Mr. Driscoll has been walking with God for a long time. I find insight from him and people like him is very helpful. He is an amazing trumpet player and even sang/performed with Joe Cocker back in the day.

Thomas Sowell from Stanford university: Very important information. In this video he speaks to the educations of our youth in public schools in regards to sex education. As he says I think the parties responsible went behind the parents backs and taught different ideology than previously accepted as healthy/true. I think they way kids are now taught sex education in schools is why we now have rampant pornography and tons of hurt women. We need the government to correct themselves as they did with the food pyramid blunder. The correct thinking in regards to sex and discerning good vs evil has always been taught from The Holy Bible. I suggest if you are a parent that you teach your kids what the Apostles of Jesus Christ wrote about sex and lean less on what people fallible enough to have most likely created an obesity epidemic through greed/lobbying (speaking about the food pyramid) (you can find info on the food pyramid blunder on YouTube channel “Today I Found Out””Who Invented The Food Pyramid and Why You Would Be Crazy to Follow It”). Also please note that a lot of people just didn’t know better than to trust the food pyramid. I am warning you to know better than to let the American public education system teach your kids about sex.

Dr. Morris Cerullo is someone I have recently found. He is someone I enjoy learning from and I consider him a very wise man.

—This is a very interesting discussion: “India, Europe and the Biblical Revolution | Vishal Mangalwadi & Jordan Peterson” on YouTube. Mr. Mangalwadi is an Indian Christian and his perspective is insightful to say the least. I would urge you all to listen to Mr. Mangawadi as he explains the effects Christianity had on India and other parts of the world. Very valuable knowledge in this interview.

Between the 11:00 and 35:00 Minute marks of this video (talks about it throughout that time frame) Dr. Cerullo gives a great explanation of becoming filled with The Holy Spirit.

This is a great learning video that I think really benefits women. I urge all women to view this learning video/discussion. It is beneficial for men as well, because it gives insight into what happens to men that are habitual users of pornography/the dangers of pornography use that you should hear more often.

A demon manifesting at the Ashbury Revival (proof). If this stuff scares you… find a pastor that isn’t scared of it and learn from them. Ask them why they aren’t scared of demons.

From “Desiring God” with Pastor John Piper. I think the way this question is answered is spot on. This goes to show that the Church is facing/handling the tough questions as well.

The “Pints with Aquinas” channel on Youtube has another interview with an exorcist you can check out. Pints with Aquinas has so many good learning videos I urge you to take a gander. Just too many good videos to list. Godspeed sir!

Great sermon. Well done. All Christians should see this one.

Same video posted in “Drugs” paper. Important for parents/government officials to view this one I think.

—There is a Documentary called “Trump Card” I would urge you all to see. It is only about 35% political leaning and I appreciate that 65% is truth seeking. It is quite shocking, but, things you should be aware of if you haven’t seen it before. Halfway through is where my jaw dropped… That being said, I seriously doubt President Obama is gay and sincerely hope the accuser is lying. As far as the people of Iran, I think they are mostly peaceful as seen in “Best Ever Food Review Show” on YouTube. The “Iran Food Tour” playlist from “Best Ever Food Review Show” on YouTube shows a bunch of good Iranian people just being loving and kind to one another… I don’t want people labeling America bad because of a few trouble makers, so I refuse to label Iran bad because they have some trouble makers as well. I think this documentary highlights why The Holy Bible tells us to pray for our leaders in government. Our leaders are under a lot of pressure and they take a lot of flak. Heaven help them.

If you are a fan of this website I need your help.  Please inspire others to seek knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Just say, when someone gives you the chance: “I am learning about Jesus.”  You can throw in the fact that there is a published agenda that went before congress, in which America’s enemies made it known that they wanted to separate us from the knowledge Jesus’s life afforded us…  You can say, “I want to know what my enemies didn’t want me to know.” I would really appreciate your help with this because proliferating the knowledge of Christ would have a blanket effect across all our problems. *that agenda is here, number 27 (and 28) is what I am talking about:

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If anyone ever tells you to PROVE God’s existence… you can pull your phone out and stick this website in their face. Pastor Hagin has a story about an encounter with a man that was genuinely upset about having proof of God/Heaven from the pastor. Pastor Hagin handled the situation with prayer, but, I assume that if he had a mobile phone with internet he would have just given them this website and said “Here it is, about eight different proofs. Sharing this website with someone is a great idea! It’s free!

Statement of faith: I praise the name of God Our Father, his son Jesus Christ, and my friend The Holy Spirit. I choose them as my family, and I bless their name.  Praise be to Jesus Christ for his victory over death, The Devil, and for redeeming me/us with his precious blood.  I am lost without you savior.  Thank you! Thank you also to all my prayer warriors for phoning those in for me! Glory to God!

Donations: If you have “Help You” money, then finding people that are trying to make the world a better place is a good investment. The MacArthur Fellowship is a great example of investing in creative individuals. I am hoping someone reading will give me a shot to make a difference with some serious financial grace/charity. I need to free up my time.

Pastor Kenneth E Hagin notes that if our adversary can, he will jam an individual up financially. There is a God of this world called Satan. Our adversary has definitely interfered in my finances. I have witnesses who have seen the physical attacks. Being physically attacked by something invisible “limits your ability to earn money,” and I would be working a job that brings home triple what I make now if it were safe for me to do so.

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