I had a demon cast out of me (video evidence below). During the time it was with me, I suspected that it used electromagnetism to influence me. I saw it flicker lights which led me to think it was using some form of electricity to interact with me. Our brains/body are mostly water, and our thoughts are known by scientists to be electrical impulses. The demon could influence the water in my body and my thoughts (caused thoughts/pictures). I do not claim, nor will I ever, that my experience is more reliable than Jesus’s teaching(s)/God’s word/The Holy Bible on the subject. This “spirit” that attacked me seems electromagnetic in nature by my conclusions… But I don’t want to rely on my own understanding, and I definitely don’t want you to either. I want you to rely on The Holy Bible and what it says. I bring this up because it is the best plausible scientific explanation of what could be happening with the situation in the video below (What I experienced as well) that I have ever heard of… The discussion below in the “Demon Slayer” podcast pretty much tells it like it is. I am completely dependent on God Our Father/Jesus when it comes to dealing with enemy spirits. If you suspect you might be dealing with this type of situation, I urge you to seek a Pastor with experience to help you handle it… I will put a five star mark beside the Pastor’s below that I know would be able to help you with it. (*****) A plausible scientific explanation of what a demon/unclean spirit is, would be “invisible electromagnetic sentient evil.” That was what I thought in my experience with it… but again it is something we need God Our Father/Jesus/The Holy Spirit to help us deal with. These situations are very real, as evidenced below… We all need to be studying our Bibles as well as seeking Jesus and the knowledge his life afforded us. Humanity has proof of these things… I don’t understand how The Holy Bible is not welcome in schools just based on that fact alone. They say the greatest trick the Devil pulled was convincing the world that he didn’t exist… Well I think the fact of the matter is, he had no strategic choice but to try that move. Jesus gave his followers power over unclean spirits. The Pastors marked below and in the Demon Slayer video are evidence of that… If everyone was aware Satan/the Devil/unclean spirits are real, then we would all seek to tread on him for hurting people. I got involved with unclean spirits because I was trying to help someone I love. I found out what was behind that person’s struggle and when I did I got attacked. Thank you Jesus for having mercy on a sinner like me.


Special Note: I think saying invisible “electromagnetic” sentient Benevolence is real also, would be an understatement… I believe God our Father and his Son Jesus Christ are much more powerful than just electromagnetism. Devils begged for mercy when they saw Jesus in Luke 8:26… John The Baptist testified in Matthew 3:9 to God Our Fathers greater ability. A big reason I want people to take their study from the Bible is because I have experienced healing from God Our Father/Jesus and I didn’t feel them heal me through my flesh like I felt the unclean spirits attacks. There is a lot I am unsure of, and a Holy Spirit filled Pastor would be a better person to ask about how the good spirit moves.

I think Lack of knowledge of The Holy Bible is what left me open to these things. The person I tried to help had a situation that developed/worsened over time and getting them to The Bible/Jesus was the only way to heal what was happening. Psychologist’s please be aware that these things are real. I studied a particular discipline, and other elements of Psychology for quite a while. I am now overlaying the knowledge contained in The Holy Bible and as you read through the website, I hope you can tell I am not a person of lacking intelligence.  I haven’t written anything like this since high school so my writing could definitely improve a bit, but I hope the ideas translate. Having a noticeable presence walk across my bed was a big reveal. The fact that I didn’t overlay the knowledge in the Bible until way late in the battle concerns me for how blind most of us are to these things. When the Bible warns you about Satan know that he is real and can influence you in mind and/or body.  I have had him attack me with pictures/images in my mind and try to cause physical ailments. There has been quite a lot of varying afflictions. Watching Rev. Kenneth E. Hagin’s “The Believer’s Authority” series on Youtube, I truly wish I had not figured this information out the difficult way.  Reverend Kenneth E. Hagin has many informational series on Youtube that I highly recommend. “Love your way to Victory,” “The Believers Authority,” “Victory over Darkness,” and “Faith Series” are all must see in my book. I really like the “Born to Raze Hell” video. He has a story of a psychologist running into trouble in his stories. Pastor Hagin’s honesty/bravery of acknowledging Satan’s existence (as well as combating Satan) is where we need to be. I am not the psychologist in his stories. Most people with my background would never do what that psychologist did. Not to mention the pastors in the “Demon Slayer” podcast have battled unclean spirits as well. I do wish I had studied the Bible instead of, or, at least along with Psychology. To have been made aware of unclean spirits upon taking up the study of Psychology would have been tremendously safer. I think knowing would have saved a whole lot of heartache and it’s something we need to teach up front to our psychology students. There are sentient, transparent, evil and I suspect electromagneticspirits” out there that Psychology is unprepared to deal with. In fact, one of the worst things you can do is start opening yourself up to bad/wrong doors in your consciousness, and parts of psychology are an exploration of said doors…

I warn everyone to stay away from this idea of the human “shadow.” Evil is evil and the answer to “exploring” it is “Don’t go there.” Stop evil before it starts like pulling a weed out of a garden if you can. Study how Jesus approaches evil in his teachings. 1 John 3:8 is a good reason why you should study Jesus’s approach. Jesus was manifested to destroy works of the devil, (evil), and he is THE master at it. I think about the struggle this way: You don’t want to start a game of chess with a bad opening because it could undermine your ability to win as the game progresses. There are psychological approaches to dealing with evil that undermine your ability to battle Satan/unclean spirits effectively. Learn from Jesus. Try to focus on you being a Loving person and fight FOR Love by refusing to be evil or have any part with evil. Every thing to do with this “shadow” idea is a trick of the Devil in which he gets you to open doors in your consciousness that give him a stronghold. Go the other way. Don’t explore the shadow, explore the Light. Get your teachings from Jesus. Focus on Love. Fight for Love. Practice Love. The thing about this “shadow” business is you are thinking evil thoughts… Thoughts you might never have had if you chose not to consider/explore evil. That means you are growing evil within you by poisoning your thought life. You are “PRACTICING evil in thoughts.” This “shadow” business is spiritual poison. Then the problem arises of the factual existence of the Devil/Satan/unclean spirits and their ability to influence thoughts… Because if you don’t believe evil spirits (or Satan) exist(s), then you could end up just opening yourself up to demonic possession like I did. Go the other way, “integrate your Jesus.” You find out about Jesus in The Bible. That’s how you grow strong in this world. Evil is terrified of Jesus. If Carl Jung knew the end result of this “Shadow” poison, he would have told you to go the other way at the top of his lungs. Learning about and seeking Jesus is the way you want to go. Those “shadow” teachings need to be done away with… Do Not be a “monster” be a “Hero.” Heroes kill monsters. Benevolence is my goal.

Special Note: If you or anyone you know had part in this “shadow” stuff… You need to get them Jesus. I mean read the new testament, find a great Pastor, start going the other way immediately. You need to start filling your head/spirit/heart with the Gospel and renew your mind. I am not messing around with that warning. “integrating your Shadow” is “accumulating evil within yourself that probably wasn’t there before you started thinking about it.” You need “light” to see “darkness” anyway. You have to have a contrast, so holding yourself up to the “light” of Jesus’s teachings is the only real way to correctly view your “shadow.” Look for “darkness” in “darkness” and you will get lost, if you weren’t lost already before you started. Jesus teaches the correct way of dealing with any evil. Study Jesus. Jesus is your healer if you have been bit by this terrible ideology.

Special Note: To integrate your shadow, you have to start with UN-forgiveness right? Got to have a reason to step out of love yes?

If you are feeling scared over this information please view “The Holy Spirit in You” from Kenneth E Hagin (Link below). I have heard people say God is bad because of what he did to the Pharaoh of Egypt, but, I would remind everybody that the pharaoh killed the Hebrew peoples young males first. Moses was in the basket to be found because his parents hid him from the Pharaoh. I think God Our Father and Our Lord Jesus Christ have been more than fair in all their dealings and making sure you understand The New Testament (specifically the life of Jesus Christ and why he is so important) before trying to discern the Old Testament is huge. I think there is proof of God’s existence for those of you willing to seek it out.  I heard a man say the Shroud of Turin is proof of Jesus’s transcendent nature. He said the WAY the radiation forms the image is not something that can be duplicated even in modern times. From what I recall, the image is formed on the very top one or two layers of the molecular structure… Meaning, the radiation is so pin point that it doesn’t even go completely through the cloth. It’s on the top layer of the molecules. You would have to shave the top layer of molecules off without them falling apart… radiate them… and then stick the shroud back together somehow. We can’t target radiation like what happened with the shroud of Turin even in modern times… If they could make radiation prints like the Shroud of Turin back then, I think merchants would have sold clothing with radiation print like hot cakes. I think we would have another example of the technology somewhere else like a royal house. The Shroud of Turin is pretty conclusive evidence of God’s existence in my book. Praise Jesus!

Special Note: Do not listen to anyone telling you that Humanities struggle is against “Chaos.” This is another trick of the Devil. These people have not seen the end of this teaching and I try to correct people when I hear them saying it. Chaos can’t be controlled (fought logically), so if you believe we struggle against Chaos then the devil has a stronghold in your mind. Viewing this teaching from the end: the idea leaves you a victim to fear. In a war, do you not want your enemy to be lost in the “Chaos” of battle? Do you not have your enemy pinned when you get them to that point? This is again why you need to study the New Testament. Humanity actually struggles against what the Apostles explained in Ephesians 6:12 “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Satan (your adversary) would love for you to believe that he is “Chaos” instead of something you can have power/authority over through Jesus Christ. I urge you all to abandon the idea of “Chaos” because of the danger(s), and recognize the mistake was beginning with the assumption of Chaos. If you are wrong in the beginning (foundation) then everything else after is a house of cards. “Chaos” is the wrong foundation. Please, study the Gospel of Jesus Christ, be baptized, and learn from Jesus… Carl Jung’s teachings could be responsible for the high percentage of mental illness amongst psychologist’s. The percentage of psychologists without mental illness are most likely rooted (have a foundation) in the Gospel of Christ. At the very least, Carl Jung is no King Solomon… and King Solomon is no Jesus of Nazareth… So why would you not lift the name (and teachings) of Jesus far above Carl Jung’s? Especially if Carl Jung’s teachings are a possible (if not probable) source of mental illness, even among Psychologists… If Carl Jung didn’t believe in God Our Father, never Identified Satan or transparent “electromagnetic” sentient evil, (like Jesus did), then he did not have a clear enough view of the truth to be reliable. Following Carl Jung is the blind leading the blind in that case. You can’t even vet what was good from Carl Jung’s teachings without Jesus’s teachings.

From DLM Christian Lifestyle on Youtube. Possession video starts after the four minute mark. Part 2 of this video in the “Awesome Learning Videos” section of this website. We all have instincts for when someone is lying and that dude isn’t a liar by any of mine… that video is real… From my experience, that is a “spirit” with a hold on a person’s mind and/or body being kicked out by God Our Father/Jesus (with overwhelming force). Mind you, you can google the Catholic church’s current/continual work of exorcism(s) for further evidence.

****Video proof of demonic possession (4 min mark):

These guys are on the trail also:

Special Note: These pastors fit the bill of what I recommend in other parts of the website. They are not scared of unclean spirits and if you are, then learning from people like them is a good idea. That being said, we have to be careful not to label everything a “demon” when there is a more precise/accurate explanation of what a person is facing. I also think when teaching others it is good to use scripture and stay close to scripture as much as possible. When a sermon has lots of scripture and cross references of scripture, I dig it. This video serves as evidence through testimonies that demons/unclean spirits exist. It is a very interesting Podcast. These guys have experience and accurate descriptions about the dangers of our struggle against our adversary… A tongue talker saved me when I was driving last year and the attacks can be ‘narly… The greater one lives within us though. I found out these guys do fight principalities through evangelism, but they do not recommend other unproven methods. I misunderstood them as saying they don’t fight them at all… So, good on that situation I think. If principalities are hurting humanity then we need to stop them. Ephesians 6:12 to me says we are fighting principalities and being smart about it is great. If the Lord be for us, who can be against us?

Special Note: The video above, plus the Pastors with five stars beside their name represent separate isolated incidents of the same occurrence/experiences… These people (Pastors below/ones in video) don’t all know each other, there are many that have never met, yet they have the same experience of fighting unclean spirits/demons. That is very real proof of God’s existence and a big reason why you need to be studying your Bible/seeking Jesus/God Our Father.

Video of information on Satan and his tactics, also from DLM Christian Lifestyle on Youtube. I think these 2 videos from DLM Christian Lifestyle are well done and accurate.

The major implication here is that spiritual benevolence is real as well (God our Father again, is more powerful than Satan by all accounts)… Jesus said God Our Father is spirit. I hope you will seek Jesus for answers/truth and grow in line with our benevolent creator’s spirit.

Do you ever wonder about how Hollywood/entertainment industry had everybody thinking that cigarettes were cool just for us to find out later that cigarettes are horrible for us…  What if they did that with our idea of God/Jesus only in reverse and now we are going to figure out Jesus has been good for us all along?  I mean, a lot of people have a big problem when someone just mentions the word God or Jesus. I think at least part of that is social conditioning. I heard a celebrity say “Hollywood is a world of infinite yes’s,” yet when this person tried to share their faith in Jesus/God with Hollywood; Hollywood didn’t say yes. This scenario; (Hollywood without God/Love/Morality) sounds like a dead end street. God is Love (1 John 4:8) and The Holy Bible is the source of humanity’s oldest knowledge of God/Love/Prosperity.  Our History of the mystery.  If the study and source of everything good (light/love) is not welcome in a place; what is that place really?  Who’s in charge over there?  Would our ancestors base the measure of our time/days around Jesus because he is bad for us?  No, they wouldn’t. If you are a fan of Benjamin Franklin and his discovery of electricity, imagine he did something bigger, so profound that we based time around his life… Wow right? Do you know what Jesus did for humanity that we honored him in such a way? It is worth finding out if you don’t know.

Does your refusal to contemplate God being a reality shut you off from answers/Hope you can only find in a reality where God exists? Are there people you fear judging you for saying you believe in God? Are they real?  Are they people you want to impress or are you scared of their judgement?  Could/does human free will and Satanic bullying account for all the evil/suffering in the world while leaving place for God Our Father to have no part in evil other than trying to help humanity conquer it? Can you push toward seeking answers about God Our Father and Jesus? If you want to/choose to, below is a list of learning resources to help you push towards seeking God Our Father and Jesus. Just start learning and habitually seeking them.

Special note: I think Americans now speaking/saying “freedom” instead of “liberty” is causing a misunderstanding across generations. “Liberty” implies mutual Love towards one another and interpersonal responsibilities. Our Constitution does not say “freedom” it says “Liberty” and the people that wrote it had both words to choose from. They chose “Liberty” for really good reasons. We try to help one another when we see each other stumbling or hurting and that’s part of “Liberty” that you don’t necessarily get if you say “freedom.” Our “Liberty” is founded on mutual Love for one another and is conceptualized from Christianity (specifically the writings of The Apostles/ who specifically give all credit to God our father and Jesus Christ for the knowledge/understanding/Grace). “We Love because he first Loved us” 1 John 4:19. That means we learned Love from him. Saying “Liberty” keeps people closer to understanding Love/proper boundaries and distinguishing good vs evil. “Liberty” more easily recognizes when something is wrong and does more to help. If you or someone you know is a politician please start saying “Liberty” again… Saying “freedom” in my eyes opens a door to cause a misunderstanding across generations. Saying “Freedom” doesn’t ring any bells… that’s a shout out to the Liberty bell as well as the mental ambiguity… I think saying “freedom” you have to explain after the fact that “your freedoms end where mine begin” and have a lengthy, unnecessary discourse that could end up in left field without ever striking the nail on the head (love your neighbor/respect/responsibility) when you could have just taught/said “Liberty” to start with.

Also please note: Pornography is worse than an insult to American liberty (we aren’t guarding/Loving our women/men too) it is a threat to America itself.  Hold a door open for someone and they feel loved/respected. They take that little bit of love/respect with them moving forward and pass it to the next person. In turn that person may feel a little better about the world/life and share good with the next person.  Enough people open enough doors for others, and we could change the country with the manifested Love/respect we spread. That would be people practicing good/Love. Now understand that pornography has the same kind of effect on people, only in a negative way. The negative effects of pornography might not be as obvious to you as someone slamming a door in your face, but pornography is hurting people and changing us for the worse. It manifests disaster because people are learning/practicing unhealthy and hurtful sexual interaction(s).  People’s hearts are sinking and pornography is a huge reason why. There is a disconnect from the reality of whats happened and/or is happening with the pornography industry. America is being lied to on a mass scale through techniques developed in post production of movies and media. You don’t see the effects on the actors behind the scenes and you can be left thinking something is safe/healthy when it absolutely is not. Pornography is being propagated as healthy, but look at organizations like “No Fap” and the symptoms the people are experiencing because of viewing Pornography. I have rewritten my paper on why our military should consider pornography a clear and present danger and I hope you will read it as well. If you can help bring an end to pornography, America (and the world) needs your help.

Advice for women: If you find a man that enjoys listening to music referring to women in a derogatory manner that also habitually views pornography… you might need to run. I don’t know for sure and I haven’t googled it, but knowing what I know about human behavior based on surrounding factors/practices, I imagine America’s worst sex offenders fit into a category where those two habits are present in their lifestyle. I think a women’s best bet to find a good man is in a good christian church. There are so many important things there: The knowledge bomb Jesus dropped on humanity, the wisdom of Solomon, and growing closer to the source of everything good (God Our Father)… I suggest studying/practicing those things, and finding a man that does the same. Remember “God is Love” 1 John 4:8. Loving men are most likely going to be found worshiping/learning about Love. Don’t let T.V., popular culture, or past experiences keep you from investigating the reality of awesome churches being a thing. People in church aren’t always perfect, but at least you are in a place where everyone is consciously trying to practice being a better person. A “disciple” is someone learning a “discipline.” If you are a “disciple” of Christ, then you are (supposed to be) actively “disciplining” yourself in loving others more perfectly. 1 John 4:8.

Special Note: Maxim has said, “Here’s how many times men should orgasm a month if they want to live longer.” Link here (copy and Paste): https://www.maxim.com/maxim-man/masturbating-is-healthy-2017-7/ They recommend masturbation if nothing else, which would invite/provoke people into looking at pornography. The “No Fap” organization is solid evidence that masturbation is not healthy. Before “No Fap,” was King Solomon, who warned against this behavior late in Proverbs. The Bible warns again against it in 1 Corinthians 6:18 as well. It warns of negative physical consequences to sexual sin: “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a person commits are outside the body, but whoever sins sexually, sins against their own body.” Masturbation/Sexual Immorality is not healthy, science is wrong again (probably a misrepresentation of science in pursuit of money), and this is a perfect example of why you need to read The Holy Bible. If you are a women and you think just having sex is a healthy habit… It is not as physically beneficial as much as it is dangerous if you are not married… There are a ton of other things to consider when it comes to that situation. Who are you sleeping with? Is he nice to his mama? because if he isn’t nice to his mama then your time is coming… STD’s? Pregnancy? Is he a liar? Please ask happily married people why marriage is so important…

Special Note: I would also bring your attention to these articles about carbon dating being unreliable:




Google “Carbon Dating Wrong.” We really need to spread the word. The way I understand it is: weather patterns an object interacts with influence the carbon readings in ways that make carbon dating unpredictable/wrong/false science. There are huge implications for modern thinking. Ken Ham has a great explanation of the problems with carbon dating in the video I posted from him in the link on my homepage. This evidence, along with the Ken Ham video, is proof that modern thinking has erred in a big way with this Evolution stuff. The scientist’s/Evolutionist’s don’t know how old the earth is… They really don’t know… it is dangerous to assume they do based on carbon dating and I question their motives if they refuse this new information. I have seen scientists make stuff up off the cuff when it comes to evolution, but, because they are an “authority” on the issue who can argue? Long story short… tell yourself and a friend carbon dating is wrong and The Holy Bible is going to be the place left to turn for answers. A lot of implications here. The people that have taught/studied evolution could have a tough time making the shift to it being false… invested interest could be difficult for them to overcome, so be aware of that.

Something to consider: I don’t think pornography is good for the people involved.  I think a woman would be better off in the long run monetarily vs health wise if she worked at McDonald’s rather than be involved in Pornography. Especially if she found a husband that worked also. What is heart breaking is realizing not all of them are there voluntarily. I assumed all parties involved had a choice and even if they did have a choice; I still now believe it’s a horrible lifestyle health wise. A lot of the women (and men) really need help and I feel ashamed to have viewed Pornography. I think Pornography is portrayed as one thing (O.K.), but, is actually detrimental to all parties involved, including the viewer. It is an industry now, but that doesn’t make it safe.  Just look at the cigarette industry or how restaurants had to eliminate certain fats for public safety.  I would point out that China outlawed pornography.  You think they know something we don’t?  I think the Chinese government already views pornography as disastrous. Our kids watch pornography, not knowing it is on the way to misconceiving good vs evil; healthy ideas and harmful ideas.  Sexual immorality is thought to be one of the biggest warning signs of a collapsing civilization and Pornography hastens this falling away from civilized/Loving interpersonal interaction.  I believe our military should consider pornography a clear and present danger and wrote a paper explaining why.

Special Note: Even if a woman makes a lot of money from being involved in pornography, which is a smaller percentage of the whole… She would still be inspiring others to masturbate. The “No Fap” organization is proof that doing so is not healthy, which means the women are leading others (their neighbors) to be less healthy individuals. There is no good path from pornography. I urge everyone to separate themselves and speak/fight against it.

America is not founded on “Freedom.” America is founded on “Liberty.” “Liberty” is founded on mutual Love for one another. America’s Founding Fathers are noted for their faith in the 1774 prayer of the Continental Congress which I urge you to Google. Also everyone in America has heard this quote from Thomas Jefferson: “We hold these truths to be self-evident. That all men were created equal; That they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights; that among them are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” Notice that we believed in a Creator and how that part is left out sometimes? I think if you teach (even say) “Freedom” instead of “Liberty” you are falling away from what makes America great (mutual Love for one another). I also think our founding fathers where aware of Satan/Demons and were prepared. Bibles were not taken out of schools until the 1960’s. The lady that sued to get The Bible taken out of public schools is a VERY interesting story (Google Madalyn Murray O’Hair)(She was a communist and tried to move to a communist country before filing her lawsuits here.) Bibles in schools mean we are teaching our young to account for unclean spirits/Satan as well as how to think properly about sexual situations. The benefit of Bibles in schools is far greater than that, but, that point alone should be enough to put them back in America’s curriculum. Jesus Christ and his Apostles accounts are the place America got our idea of “Liberty” from. Galatians 5:13 “For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.” The Apostles were taught Love/Liberty by Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of Western Civilization. I think The Holy Bible in schools helps us remember that fact, as well as other important matters.

–Observational warnings: When it comes to entertainment, you can’t have a healthy result from something that is unhealthy. The answer you should come up with in that case is “don’t go there.” Separate yourselves and especially guard your kids as best you can people. You can control content better on streaming platforms and if your movie/show promotes immorality or aggrandizes bad behavior I would turn away from it. The Bible is very interesting/awesome when you get to learning about it. I earnestly think hearing about The Holy Bible (from Pastors) and studying The Holy Bible is among the best things you can do. It is honestly really good for you to have The Holy Bible under your intellectual and/or spiritual belt. An easy reason is that humanity is very old, and just reading Proverbs could save you from life changing miscalculations. It’s kind of like your father passes away before you are born but leaves you his journal to keep you from repeating his/other people’s mistakes. It is possible to keep repeating the same mistake without ever discerning the correct response. I had problems like that for years until I started studying The Bible. Especially with loss of understanding through generations and/or Satan working against us/me/you, the Holy Bible is crucial. The Holy Bible is really, really important for us to know/study. Case in point:

Checkout this communist agenda: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/naked-communist45-goals-destroy-united-states-america-waghelstein (Note that separating the U.S. from the gospel of Christ is on that list/this removes our foundational understanding as generations progress, leading to misunderstandings across generations)


I like the song “Millionaire” by Chris Stapleton. I think he is probably a really great person. When I heard the song Broken Halos the other day a big red flag popped up in my mind… We are absolutely supposed to ask Jesus why. The lyrics of the song are heartrendingly misinformed and with the emotional pull of the song I warn you all… Do not take advice from that song… you read your Bibles and ask Jesus why this world is what it is… Very dangerous song. The knowledge bomb Jesus dropped on the world is so ridiculously important that humanity based our measure of time around his life… Ask Jesus why. If you read The Holy Bible I suggest you start with The New Testament. The books like Ephesians/Colossians are named for cities of people, and those books are letters written to those people. The whole Bible is important, but starting with The New Testament gives you a better idea of what is going on. The Prophets in the Old Testament are said to have searched diligently for the knowledge Jesus brought into the consciousness of humanity… Starting your study of The Holy Bible from the New Testament gives you more insight into the Old Testament, because we learn so much about God Our Father from our Savior Jesus Christ that the Old Testament is just easier to understand.

Special note: There is another teaching I find very, very harmful. The quote is, “A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very, very dangerous man who has it under voluntary control.” O.K…. Everybody knows we have guns yes?… So that makes us all very, very dangerous yes?… When has any man actually been harmless except by choice? Are you saying my family members that live a disabled life in a wheelchair aren’t good people because they can’t hurt someone? Does this disabled family of mine need to study Samuel L. Jackson’s character “Mr. Glass” and cook up a plan for world domination??? Have that on the back burner in order to be a good person? I think this quote teaches people to be hateful/dwell on the wrong things.

Also, I would not seriously tell someone to be a “monster.” Monsters are unreasonable and typically evil. “Hero” is definitely a better word choice. Be a Hero. Be an absolute Hero. If you have this idea that you can somehow mix good and evil in a beneficial way… An easy way I think about it is this: evil isn’t good… which means evil isn’t healthy, (good equals healthy)… you take healthy(good) and mix in unhealthy(evil), then you are less healthy(good) then before, with the added chance of disaster. God Our Father/Jesus are so good… I urge you to spend time with them and The Word. Soak-in that goodness. I believe Jesus is the focal point for people to find their way. I hope we start giving Jesus the credit he deserves for what he did for humanity more often. Young people don’t even understand that his life/teachings form the foundation of Western Civilization… We have to get them to acknowledge the truth of that fact.

Special Note: I retracted part of the paragraph above. Reason this: If someone comes into your house at 2am trying to harm your wife and/or kids… You are MUCH better off STOPPING them then being harmless. “Love does no wrong to his neighbor” is different then “Love does no harm to his neighbor.” There are different translations for that bible verse (Romans 13:10). Then there is Mathew 5:39: “But I say to you, do not resist an evil person [who insults you or violates your rights]; but whoever slaps you on the right cheek, turn the other toward him also [simply ignore insignificant insults or trivial losses and do not bother to retaliate—maintain your dignity, your self-respect, your poise].” I looked up the Hebrew translation for Mathew 5:39 and the word for “resist” was better translated “burn not against.” In James 4:7 and 1 Peter 5:9 we are taught to resist the devil and evil practices… Romans 12:21 “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” The problem I have with the quote above (A harmless man is not a good man) is that it is unclear. It leaves the door open for a person to misinterpret what needs to be done (perhaps becoming hateful or “burning against evil“-the problem). It is very true that you need to be able to defend your wife and kids at 2am if need be… There are other situations in life that you may also need to be able to defend yourself along the same lines of it being good to do so. It’s something to think about and prepare for. Main point I wanted to make is, don’t be hateful about it. Don’t burn against evil. I think Martial Arts is good for a lot of reasons (learning to defend/health benefits) and as high as I would recommend Martial Arts to you for the reasons above, I recommend learning about God/Jesus way higher…

God Bless you all!  Here are some good sources of learning and places for you to check out: 

Kenneth E Hagin is on YouTube. I can not stress how much I recommend you learn from Pastor Hagin. His “Faith” series together with “Mountain Moving Faith” and “Love: The Way to Victory” series are so versatile for gaining understanding/knowledge. **Check Special note below about “Faith Series”…. Kenneth E Hagin is really amazing with tons of experience and insight. I have spotted a lot of liars in my day and as unbelievable as his experiences may sound… I don’t suspect him of lying. I am fascinated by his ministry. I think he is a very logical and thoughtful man who overcame a ton of difficulty in his life through his relationship with Jesus/God Our Father. I am so grateful his sermons are still around. I highly recommend everyone watches at least those few series from him. Pastor Hagin would be the first to tell you he is not perfect. He is humble enough to say it many times, “if you can “get fed” better somewhere else then please do, that’s where anyone that loves you would want you to be.” I believe Pastor Hagin loved us as best as he could. I think learning from a few qualified sources has benefits for many reasons (more perspective). I recommend Pastor Hagin’s sermons being a centerpiece in your studies. They are in mine. If something a Pastor does/says doesn’t line up with scripture, I can leave that behind and take what does line up with scripture. A good Pastor will tell you to trust the scripture over them anyway.

Special Note: Viewing the “Faith series” without viewing “Mountain Moving Faith” has a flaw. The devil can show up and tell you that you don’t have enough faith. It could leave you thinking that your faith isn’t strong enough or that you are somehow lacking in faith. You can be unsure of the qualifying achievement(s) for you to have faith or enough faith. I think this is something Pastor Hagin didn’t “catch/perceive” in his “faith series” because he was unaware that the misunderstanding could take place in someone listening. A solid point is that if you take Pastor Hagin’s constant encouragement to read the Bible, this issue fixes itself that way. Studying “Mountain Moving Faith” with the “Faith” series helps give you the word you need to fix it also. First pointed out to me by another Pastor, this situation is why I suggest studying a few different awesome Pastors. Kenneth Hagin still has many amazing points and insights… This situation was difficult to see and it is why I hope we in the church community help one another. If you are quick to judge Pastor Hagin on this, or anything he might have done wrong… You might miss the 100s of things he did correct. Better to Love him and help him/each other. (Let others know kindly something is amiss.)(Pastors, you know the risks other Pastors take to be a steward of the word. Gently forbearing other Pastors is something to be good at for many reasons.)

Faith” Series Kenneth E. Hagin on Youtube: (I would watch “Mountain Moving Faith” by Brother Hagin with this study.)


“Loving Your Way to Victory” series Kenneth E Hagin on Youtube: https://youtu.be/jPsychx0aV4 That whole series is good. (3 Parts)

“The Believer’s authority” (Kenneth E Hagin) https://youtu.be/k4FJ4bJkyeo

“Mountain Moving Faith” (Kenneth E Hagin): https://youtu.be/q-7JK7fPqBc

“Victory over Darkness” series (Kenneth E Hagin): https://youtu.be/atmJZyRH3s4

“The Holy Spirit in You.” (Kenneth E Hagin): https://youtu.be/BN8tiBLJimk

“Born to Raze Hell” (Kenneth E Hagin): https://youtu.be/PyDw9wgde1E

Faith and Fire (Reinhardt Bonnke): Awesome revelation(s) from Mr. Bonnke around the 20 minute mark that I recommend every Christian hears (especially Pastors).

Rev. Billy Graham has a ton of awesome informational videos on YouTube. He is a great place to start learning and gain your bearings. His Ted talk was amazing:

This one is my favorite from Rev Graham:

“Fools” (Rev. Billy Graham) I love how Rev. Graham teaches from multiple perspectives in this sermon. :

Elevation Church has been awesome to tune into. A lot of good coming out of that place. Lately I have listened to the “Lion” record their worship team put out and it is amazingly well done. I think that CD is very good (and good for you) on so many levels. The Pastors there are really awesome and this ministry is a good choice for a lot of reasons.

(*****)Paula White Ministries on YouTube: I was fortunate enough to see Pastor White live and she is a very strong person that you could learn a lot from. She was very honest about her struggles and how she overcame them with the help of her faith in the Lord Jesus. Her honesty is really refreshing and if you are a women who would prefer a female pastor, she might be the pastor for you. I would recommend her to anyone as a proper steward of the word because I was fortunate enough to witness her Love for others/faith first hand. She has 30 years of experience in ministry and I have learned a lot from her.

SolidRockChurchOhio on YouTube: Lead by another wonderful female Pastor, Darlene Bishop Driscoll and her husband Phil Driscoll are two of the most passionate Christians I have met. I think Phil would be one of the first to tell you how he admires his wife’s ability to preach/teach the word of God. I have seen these two in person. I bare witness of their deep and sincere love for others which is a trademark sign of a proper steward of the word. The knowledge/experience/gifts they have from walking with God/Jesus for so many years is something to see and learn from.

Pastor Leighton Schielly on Spotify has a “verse by verse” podcast that goes straight through the Scriptures verse by verse. I think reading the Bible verse by verse, word by word is a very awesome way to teach. This Podcast is a great resource of learning and Pastor Schielly’s insight into Historical accounts are awesome. Staying verse by verse close to the word is an effective way to teach I think. It’s cool some Pastor’s teach that way. The only other Pastor I have heard of teaching verse by verse was Pastor Arnold Murray from The Sheppard’s Chapel in Arkansas. Verse by Verse Pastor’s are rare I think, and something to check out.

DLM Christian Lifestyle on YouTube (Pastor Daniel Moritz): This ministry has a lot of bite sized videos on YouTube to gain insight on questions you may have. I find Pastor Moritz very insightful, reflective, and clinging closely to the scripture. I do think he is one of the best around and I highly recommend this channel as a learning source.

Desiring God channel on Youtube (Pastor John Piper): This is another place where you can get some specific questions answered. The whole channel is people asking questions to the Pastor. The person answering the questions is Pastor John Piper and there is a whole lot of Love in that man. Pastor John Piper is someone I would recommend to you all. He is very knowledgeable and his church is definitely worth checking out if you are trying to find your place.

(*****)Eddie James Ministries on Facebook and Youtube: I have nothing but good things to say about these guys. They have an awesome praise team and Pastor James has an outreach ministry that helps runaways, drug addicts, and victims of abuse to heal and recover. I think they fight the good fight of faith over there and I encourage you to check them out. Their praise team had me crying and healing when I had the blessing of seeing them live. The Pastor Mr. James had with him was very courageous and I respect the work this ministry is involved in tremendously. This is a great ministry/church to check out.

(*****)Kenneth Copeland Ministries on Youtube and the Victory Channel (on T.V.): I am very fond of Kenneth Copeland because I think he Loves God/Jesus with everything he’s got in him. I think they have awesome ministers in company and I get a lot from learning from them. I highly recommend this ministry as a great place of learning. I can clearly see how money in the hands of a disciplined Christian can be used as a benefit to mankind/weapon against our adversary. Tithing for me, at first, was a test of my faith. I had to learn/practice trusting God more than I trusted the money in my hand. I witness to you now that God has supernaturally blessed my tithes and offerings before. I aimed my seed (tithe) at a washer/dryer one Thursday service and a man called me the next day with a person who delivered them to my house. It’s like that people… Tithing is a very real way to interact with God and witness/experience his goodness/faithfulness. Stuff like my washer/dryer happens all the time. God is very real and very good. Praise Jesus!

(*****)Jesse Duplantis Ministries on YouTube and Facebook is awesome to tune into. This is a pound for pound great place to learn. I have a couple videos of Rev. Duplantis preaching in the “awesome learning videos” link on this site and I recommend this ministry whole-heartedly. The Reverend “says the most interesting things.” Reverend Duplantis is trying to purchase some satellites in order to spread the type of knowledge that saves lives and helps people grow in Love… I think it is an amazing undertaking, so, if anyone on here knows somebody that knows somebody (can help with the satellites)… Broadcasting this kind of knowledge would help humanity tremendously.

(*****)Victory Above Only Ministries on YouTube and Facebook is lead by Pastor David Robinson. I have heard of him taking flak over his prosperity teachings. Philippians 4:11-13 “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” I see the discipline required to be content with little, and how the temptations of abundance are negated by not having much. I see the discipline in abundance is different and in different ways, more difficult. In both situations, I believe God is able to strengthen the individual as he wills. Is money in the hands of a disciplined Christian not a weapon against works of the devil? I hope that pastors on either side of this disagreement will learn from each other and give no place to the devil among brethren. I think the Devil often puts enmity between people who would do well if they were seeing eye to eye (combining perspectives). I would Love to see our leaders tear down any division(s). I highly recommend this ministry. Pastor Robinson is Loving, kind, and I end up amazed a lot.

Special Note: “Some people have “arguments” when it comes to God/Jesus… I’ve got an “experience.”” ~ Pastor David Robinson. I urge you all to come to a church, seek God/Jesus, and get you an experience as well. I write down answered prayers/blessings to keep a reminder of these experiences and keep it clear to me. I urge you to hold fast to those good things and write down your experiences/answered prayers/blessings as well. I keep a list of these things where I pray.

Special Note: It is not good to boast about a Pastor’s or person’s spirituality because all we have are gifts, (What do we have that has not been given?)(1 Corinthians corrected me). I am sorry if I erred in this. TYG!

YouVersion Bible app is in the google play store. It has almost every translation available and can be put on your phone. Having a Bible verse pop up on your phone everyday is a good thing.

Blue Letter Bible app is also in the play store. BLB has a great feature that allows you to read two translations side by side/ simultaneously. I read the “Amplified Bible” Translation and “New Living Translation.” Good stuff.

“Flowing In The Light” Channel on YouTube is a person reading the Amplified Bible to you. I have been listening to that a lot. I keep The New Testament playing around bedtime in my room and even when I am sleeping. More than once I have woken up to hear something I really needed to hear/learn. Remember starting with the New Testament and learning from Jesus and his apostles first is what I recommend.

“GateWell Wellness CenterE” Channel on YouTube has a person reading the New Living Translation to you. Good stuff.

Smith Wigglesworth has a life worth researching and taking stock of. He is a legend of the Christian faith and there is some videos on YouTube about him as well. I have an app on my phone with some of his sermons. They have voice actors that read some of his sermons on YouTube. I believe he reached a very high level with his faith and I am happy I know of him. SPECIAL NOTE: In one of his sermons Mr. Wigglesworth says he has never met an unclean spirits that says, “Jesus Christ is Lord.” (1 Corinthians 12:3, “Therefore I give you to understand, that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus anathema and that no one can call Jesus Lord but by the Holy Spirit.”)—- I have encountered an unclean spirit that DID say “Jesus Christ is Lord” and I warn you all now that Unclean Spirits can in fact lie in that manner. When I asked my pastor about this, he says the scripture is referencing a persons heart (Whether they say it from their heart). My general thought on this as well is that it is strictly referring to human beings. Big warning though… Unclean spirits can indeed say “Jesus Christ is Lord” and them saying that alone can not be used to discern spirits. I assure you they lied to me personally in this manner.

Contact The Author Via E-mail: sciencegospelbridged@yahoo.com

Contact the author on Facebook: Look for “Sciencegospel Bridged” as first and last name… You will recognized the logo or link here: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083168149422

Please, especially if you are struggling in your life, get to a Christian church and get saved. 2 Timothy 1:7 “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” When you are saved/baptized you receive The Holy Spirit from Jesus. It is a very real transformation. Having the habits of studying The Holy Bible, praying, and going to church increases your knowledge of God. Your personal well being definitely improves when you seek God by forming those habits. 1 John 4:8, “God is Love.”  1 John 4:8 is a scripture that floored me. I wish I would have read it sooner. Christians worship Love!

Legal Statement: This website and the information therein is free to transmit. If you share it on a public platform you get paid to transmit from, like YouTube or Spotify… I hereby legally authorize you to freely use this website and transmit the information there in without worry of legal or civil lawsuits of any kind. This website is free to everyone. I personally hope that if you find the information here of benefit that you will share the good news. That being said: I am getting heavy hacker attempts and I urge you all to make copies of anything you find interesting in case they get through.

If you are a fan of this website I need your help.  Please inspire others to seek knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Just say, when someone gives you the chance: “I am learning about Jesus.”  You can throw in the fact that there is a published agenda that went before congress, in which America’s enemies made it known that they wanted to separate us from the knowledge Jesus’s life afforded us…  You can say, “I want to know what my enemies didn’t want me to know.” I would really appreciate your help with this because proliferating the knowledge of Christ would have a blanket effect across all our problems. *that agenda is here, number 27 (and 28) is what I am talking about: https://cultureshield.com/PDF/45_Goals.pdf

If anyone ever tells you to PROVE God’s existence… you can pull your phone out and stick this website in their face. Pastor Hagin has a story about an encounter with a man that was genuinely upset about having proof of God/Heaven from the pastor. Pastor Hagin handled the situation with prayer, but, I assume that if he had a mobile phone with internet he would have just given them this website and said “Here it is, about eight different proofs. Sharing this website with someone is a great idea! It’s free!

Statement of faith: I praise the name of God Our Father, his son Jesus Christ, and my friend The Holy Spirit. I choose them as my family, and I bless their name.  Praise be to Jesus Christ for his victory over death, The Devil, and for redeeming me/us with his precious blood.  I am lost without you savior.  Thank you! Thank you also to all my prayer warriors for phoning those in for me! Glory to God!

Donations: If you have “Help You” money, then finding people that are trying to make the world a better place is a good investment. The MacArthur Fellowship is a great example of investing in creative individuals. I am hoping someone reading will give me a shot to make a difference with some serious financial grace/charity. I need to free up my time.

Pastor Kenneth E Hagin notes that if our adversary can, he will jam an individual up financially. There is a God of this world called Satan. Our adversary has definitely interfered in my finances. I have witnesses who have seen the physical attacks. Being physically attacked by something invisible “limits your ability to earn money,” and I would be working a job that brings home triple what I make now if it were safe for me to do so.

Go Fund Me link Below:  https://gofund.me/4f279d22