I am going to start by explaining something that could be and underlying issue in a person’s struggle against drug use.  Raise your hand if you think the world is a good place.  If you raised your hand, I am going to make a case for why you were probably misled to think/believe that.  IF you lived in Ukraine right now, do you think you would raise your hand if someone asked you that?  IF you were a Jewish person, living in a concentration camp back in WW2…  would you have raised your hand?  If you live in America, do you realize that the if the U.S. debt reaches 60 trillion dollars, America defaults on their debt through an inability to pay because America can’t generate enough revenue to pay off the interest?  It becomes an insurmountable debt around 60 trillion and the fallout will be disaster resulting in the deaths of A LOT of people throughout the world.  It has been said that while you are in this world you live with trials and tribulations, such as those above, and that makes it not such a good world. https://usdebtclock.org/ is a plainly visible measure of our struggle against evil.  It is important to understand that this is not such a good world because your choices will change as your perceptions adapt to the truth.  This misconception can be an underlying issue at the root of the problem of drug addiction; not in every case but a large amount of them.  If you are an addict, do your best to adapt to this truth. Some one had to be there to stand up against Hitler/evil. Fighting evil is worth it and that fight still exists. Being under the assumption that this is a good world leaves you open to feeling like more of a failure than you should.  Not everyone has the same hand dealt to them in this life.  Assuming this is a good world will also take you down paths you never would have chosen if you knew to be more on guard/vigilant.  In this paper I will have some advice for recovery, and I am speaking from experience…  I was an opiate addict for four years and an alcoholic for at least ten. 

Special Note:  Jesus is the teacher that never lied.  His Apostles specifically taught to be vigilant because they recognized the world was full of evils.  I urge you to seek Jesus if you are scared of dying or fearful in general.  Me personally, I find purpose now that I know what we are up against.  In my hopes of leaving the world a better place than I found it, I know there is nothing better that I can do for anyone than to increase your knowledge and understanding of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  For those of you who would say “religion” is what’s wrong with the world, you have to understand the word religion better.  You have a religion no matter what u do…  it is a word that means a person’s belief systems.  If you have a belief system, you have a religion, and everyone has a belief system as a consequence of their existence.  That being said, I would caution you the same way Bruce Lee did…  Do not forsake the established pattern or establishment without insight.  If you deny the established pattern simply because it is the established pattern, you have created a different pattern and TRAPPED your self there.  Investigate and adapt what is best to make you the best you can be.  “God is Love” 1 John 4:8, and I hope you understand that studying Jesus’s life/word is the most valuable knowledge I have ever found (It works the best).  Jesus never lied.  He taught the world what Love truly was and I urge you to start your self-development with his teachings.


I had a buddy of mine who said, “I had to leave that person alone because the anger they caused me was touching a part of my brain that I couldn’t stand for.”  I didn’t do Cocaine for very long…  only about two months or so.  What I noticed in my experience with cocaine was a loss of empathy towards others.  I got in an argument with my sister and somehow ended up in her face angrily saying, “You don’t F*ing know me!”  As soon as I walked out the door I was bewildered as to how that came out of me.  It was my red flag moment with Cocaine.  My sister is three years older than me and saved my life when I fell in a pool as a child.  It’s safe to say she knows me pretty well after spending eighteen years under the same roof.  I think Cocaine definitely “touched” a part of my brain there. Understanding its effects lets me see how people taking it could look down on others or rob, cheat, and steal.  Something isn’t right in your head when you are taking that stuff.  I had a friend of mine (who had done a great deal more cocaine than me) tell me Cocaine is a mental addiction more than physical.  Opiates definitely have a physical addiction, and they differ in this way.  I think of Cocaine as a drug that “touches” a part of my brain that I can’t stand for.  I Love people and I don’t want anything to get in the way of that Love.  Even towards people I don’t know firsthand. I am thinking Wall street should test their people for this drug. Lack of empathy when influencing millions of people isn’t a good thing.


I started smoking weed when I was sixteen.  I smoked for about twelve years until I started getting panic attacks.  I remember early on when I was seventeen, I decided to dry out from smoking weed.  I got my paycheck and had a red flag moment when I realized I don’t know what to spend my money on if I don’t buy weed with it.  Because of this instance, I think there is a big difference between someone who starts smoking later in life compared to someone who starts earlier.  A person who starts later has spent time developing their goals and may be pretty set in life/healthy habits.  As was with me, a person that starts earlier spends so much time absorbed in the culture surrounding the weed use, (and assuming that what they are doing is of high value), that they don’t get the skills or perceptions of someone who placed value on more healthy/valuable habits.  Smoking weed was very pleasurable, with a lot of instant gratification including thinking you are more socially acceptable/cool if you smoke it.  I wish I would have placed less of a value on it.  After finding out the truth of God and the Devil, how humanity has struggles that need attention, and then looking at how marijuana use hindered even my own personal development…  I see marijuana as something I would have done without in my life.  I think there could develop an overwhelming amount of waste in a person’s life because of it.  Especially if they start using at a younger age. I have definitely seen a person’s life and the lives of people around them drug down because of Marijuana.  Not to mention a person that uses Marijuana is more likely to use other drugs as well.  Not saying you will, but someone you’re smoking with is likely to have other drugs and then, what’s the chances of them tempting you with that?  As time goes on you meet more and more of these people traveling those circles…  It’s a slippery slope when you open the door to drug use in your life.  Your environment changes because of marijuana’s place in your life and over time that environment changes from there.  Marijuana use puts limits on you that aren’t there if you don’t use it, creating a situation your life is then in.  From that situation you have pressures you would otherwise not face.  There are people that will flatter you to try and gain advantage of you (Jude 1:16). There are people that will offer you drugs to try and gain advantage of you as well. It’s a slippery slope.  I smoked it for twelve years and as far as Marijuana is concerned, I am sure it is best not to go there.


I took opiates for about four years.  I started taking them because of a back injury at the age of 29.  Until that point in my life, I avoided opiates like the plague.  I had more than a few friends hooked on them, and I wanted no part of it.  I had a prescription for Vicodin that ran out before the pain did, so I turned to buying painkillers off the street.  I remember being scared I would lose my job if I was physically unable to perform my duties and things escalated from there.  A lot of people get tied up in opiates because of injuries.  I went from 5mg of Vicodin once a day and feeling good, to taking 60mg of oxycontin a day while wishing I had more: all inside a single years’ time.  Your tolerance builds faster with oxycontin then it does with hydrocodone or Percocet.  So, if you do suffer an injury, stick with one of those as opposed to oxycontin for that reason.  If you are in legit pain the buzz isn’t the same as it is taking opiates to get high.  In the presence of pain these pills work pretty well as intended and I don’t think the buzz is as noticeable as the pain relief.  Taking them for less than two weeks keeps the risk of addiction very low because it takes longer than that for physical dependency to occur. The way I beat oxycontin addiction was with suboxone.  Suboxone is strong when you first take it so 8mg was enough even though I was taking sometimes over 60mg of oxycontin a day.  If you are not an opiate addict and you take suboxone, you will be very-very sick for about twelve hours.  Suboxone is really strong, and your body wants no part of it unless previously addicted to large amounts of opiates.  If you are not an opiate addict or in a large amount of pain and you take 20mg of oxycontin; you most likely will be sick for about twelve hours.  These drugs are not a joke and if a friend tells you they are taking anything more than 10mgs of an opiate at a time…  something is very seriously wrong. You need to pay attention if you care for your friend.  When switching to suboxone to overcome opiate addiction try to take as little as possible because it will make things easier in the long run.  Suboxone will give u a buzz for the first few months.  It is good that you stop getting a buzz because you need your emotions/mood to level back out in order to stabilize enough to get out of the addiction.  The great thing about suboxone is the high isn’t as high as other opiate derivatives… so the low isn’t as low either.  Controlling the low is one of the biggest parts of getting free of opiates.  Not having those big, destabilizing swings in your thoughts and feelings helps a ton.  For people who don’t know, opiates are a tough addiction to beat… Having an addiction to them was like this:  Being high feels like winning the lottery even if your leg is broke…  Your thoughts are hopeful/good, even if your world is burning down around you.  Going through withdrawals and not having opiates is like this:  Even if you win the lottery you feel like your leg is broke…  You are clinically depressed (chemically), while waiting for flu like symptoms to start so you can gauge when to expect diarrhea.  It is such a bad place to be, you don’t understand unless you’ve been there. The flu like symptoms and depression took me two months to get over when I finally got clean.  Looking down the barrel of a strong opiate withdrawal is not a joke.  I think anything above Percocet is an end-of-life or very serious injury drug that people shouldn’t be messing with unless they are expecting to die or in massive amounts of pain.  The constipation from these drugs is so bad that people’s bowels explode within them.  I know more than one person that had to reach into their own rectum to fish out stool too hardened to pass through normally.  The hardened stool can cause hemorrhoids in people. How I felt and thought about my outlook on life when I was high was way different from when I was withdrawing.  That was a controlling part of the addiction.  Suboxone was crucial in stabilizing the ups and downs emotionally as well as physically.  These drugs take a toll on your thought life.  It helps that you can take suboxone legally (get it legally) and it saves a ton of money going to a doctor rather than the streets.  Medicaid pays if you have that, so there are ways of having good people around you instead of dealing with shady ones.  Suboxone is a ridiculously strong pain killer…  stronger than percocet, so stay away from heavy lifting because u could strain something without realizing it.  If you are trying to help someone quit opiates know that for sure I am not lying when I tell you suboxone is a stronger pain killer than percocet.  People that want to get high will tell you differently, so make note of that.  The constipation is pretty bad with suboxone so try to counter it with food/diet/supplements.  The emotional advantages are worth taking suboxone even with the gastrointestinal problems.  You are going to get problems with any opiate anyway.  If taking opiates, you need to stay on the hydration and easy digestible foods as much as possible.  Rehab is a really-really good option people.  I wish I would have gone to a rehab like a buddy of mine.  They gave him meds and he just slept through the worst of the withdrawal.  That is a luxurious way to get through an opiate addiction.  Finding the right rehab would be a great way to deal with this addiction.  Towards the end of my struggle, I just forced back the suboxone (tapered down the milligrams) and suffered through the withdrawals.  I needed a week off of work to get through the first part (could have used two) because the first part is the worst part.  I took sleep aid and sweated it out. I do not recommend melatonin as a sleep aid any longer (See below).  Around six weeks after the first two (total of 8) I was in the clear.  Depression and flu like symptoms were there for a total of about two months, getting easier over that time.  I drank alcohol sometimes trying to flush my system or catch a buzz to sleep.  This worked against me in the end because I wound up with a drinking problem.  Stay away from methadone.  It’s a tougher withdrawal than suboxone from what I have seen and heard.  Going clean is an adjustment, even from suboxone, but keep focused on being done with it.  Tapper down the milligrams and remind yourself the withdrawal is only temporary…  The withdrawal will end.

Special note:  If you take a large enough dose of opiates, you will nod out…  I saw a man pull a dishwasher out of a sink he passed out in standing up to keep him from drowning.  True story.  The water didn’t even wake him up that time.  He took a dip three times in a row.  Pulled him out on the third.  That’s why truck drivers aren’t allowed to take these drugs.  You are risking your life taking opiates in more than one way, and I suggest you wait to take them until you are on your deathbed. Serious injury is understandable, but get free of them asap.

Nicotine (Cigarettes/tobacco):

I smoked Cigarettes for around 18 years.  I think cigarettes have five-parts to the addiction. So being aware of these five things can be beneficial when trying to quit or dissuading yourself from starting.  1. The habit of smoking can have an oral fixation element of the addiction.  For this reason, chewing gum is very handy during the process of quitting.  Finding a healthy way to occupy your mouth helps.  2. The drug/chemical (nicotine) is powerful stuff.  The first time I took a drag off a cigarette I was rocked for about five seconds.  You can get hooked quick chasing that feeling and after the first cigarette you smoke, that particular high is gone for good.  The more you smoke, the less you feel from it. I am saying run from this drug…  it sucks.  The chemical nicotine effects your nerves and withdrawal feels like becoming a nervous wreck for no apparent outwardly reason.  You feel upset.  A lot of people struggle with anger during withdrawal and the anger is coming from the nervous system trying to readjust.  3. A lot of people still think smoking is cool and is some form of rebellion which makes it cool.  (Should probably tell them Jesus is a rebel against the evil in the world; so, join an awesome rebellion instead).  That social stigma surrounding smoking and how you perceive others perceiving you for smoking is an element of the addiction to consider/defeat.  4. I knew a person who started smoking in prison.  He said the major thing that hooked him was “When I am smoking a cigarette, I am not thinking about anything but smoking that cigarette.”  Smoking cigarettes took his mind off his problem/surroundings.  This is part of the addiction. As years of smoking add up, the calming effect on your nerves from cigarettes is going to butt up against your nerves going haywire because you can’t breathe.  Late in the use of Cigarettes your lungs have lost so much efficiency you are unsettled/rattled after smoking.  You stop getting enough oxygen and a lot of people in this position need oxygen tanks to stop other problems from developing.  Lack of oxygen can cause panic attacks.  You can train yourself to breathe differently if you are a smoker. Through the habit of smoking you can train yourself to hold your breath when you are in stressful situations, which adds to the probability of suffering panic like symptoms.  Tons of panic attacks are people not realizing they are holding their breath and causing elevated heart rate.  That’s why focusing on your breathing is often the cure to these attacks.  The habit of smoking cigarettes trains you to hold your breath without realizing it.  Your lungs hurt when you smoke, so, you pause a bit in your breathing to avoid the pain.  This continues even after smoking a cigarette.  The cumulative effect(s) of this over time could be a changed pattern of drawing breath.  You don’t want to develop unhealthy coping mechanisms and smoking is very unhealthy.  Run from it and quit as soon as you can.  I live in an apartment with a nice remodeled top floor because a woman caused an explosion when her cigarette ignited her oxygen tank, which she had because she smoked cigarettes.  Cigarettes are a horrible addiction.  Eliminate the possibility of that lady being you as soon as you can.  The best answer to cigarettes is do not go there.  5. The instant gratification of wanting something really badly and getting it.  I heard a comedian say it this way.  “Nonsmokers will never know the feeling of wanting something really-really badly and getting it time and time again.”  This is an experience you are better off not having for that reason exactly.  Smoking is instant gratification at maybe it’s worst.  I think there is a feeling of accomplishment after smoking. That’s horrible because you did something that is hurting your physical health AND your desire to accomplish something could have been channeled towards something good/productive. Cigarettes…  Drop em’ like THE bad habit.


A good friend of mine shared his grandfather’s words about alcohol with me: “You don’t ever have to worry about wanting another drink if you don’t ever take the first one.”  I consider that sound advice.  I have almost died from drinking about eight times.  Passed out behind the wheel of a moving vehicle and struck a telephone pole when I was twenty two.  I Would still be in jail if that pole was a person.  I got arrested for that by a man whose grandmother used to babysit me.  I was so drunk I didn’t recognize him until an hour later at the station.  I had at least one instance of what had to be alcohol poisoning because I don’t remember a thing and I threw up for a solid six hours the next morning. As you get older you can be hungover for a couple of days at a time. I don’t remember having a two day hangover when I was younger. I got too drunk to take a taxi once… Woke up in some woods I didn’t recognize and dislocated a kneecap climbing out of the area.  My sister was not happy about that phone call.  She’s a cop so… I wasn’t really pleased with that conversation either.  Long story short…  being good at something that is bad for you invites disaster.  I also note that most female bartenders don’t really care for men who drink.  I think they tend to date sober men because they recognize drinking as an ignorant/harmful practice.  I think a lot of women don’t care for men who drink.  It is smart to avoid someone that habitually drinks as a long-term partner. Drinking has so many pitfalls I wonder how I thought it made me cool to the opposite sex.  Smarter/wiser women are probably looking to phase alcohol out of their lives. That probably goes for smarter/wiser people in general. Alcohol is one of the drugs that the withdrawals from addiction can kill you.  Emotional dependence on Alcohol is also a very real problem for addicts. I knew someone that had to drink as soon as he woke up to keep from shaking because of Alcohol’s effect on his nervous system. If you have a massive panic attack after a month or so of heavy drinking… That’s the withdraw symptoms most likely. Lot’s of people don’t know that and the panic attack catches them off guard because they don’t suspect alcohol of having withdraws like that. That panic attack sent me to the hospital. Happened to someone else I know too and if they had given me Xanax to combat it I might have formed an addiction to that as well. I guess I was lucky I was in a college town because the doctor gave me Clonidine (blood pressure med) instead. I suspect those doctors there knew what the deal was where as a small town doctor might not see that situation as often. Alcohol dependence gets ugly and scary guys… I don’t think I need to speak a lot about alcohol, but I will encourage you to read King Solomon’s words regarding alcohol in Proverbs.  I think you should read that book for a lot of reasons.  Investigating alcohol is a good reason to check it out. Get help if you are struggling with Alcohol and know that I have heard stories of people being healed at the alter by Jesus from this addiction. If you read through this website then you know he is at those alters, loving and able to help you.

Special Note: You can audio book the books of The Bible. They pretty well have them for free on YouTube.

Mushrooms/ Psilocybin: I don’t have much experience with this drug, but I can clarify the assumption of the Gospels being written by people taking shrooms… We have a ton of evidence of the devils existence. He is a liar, a thief, and a murderer. Anyone that is engaged in warfare against the devil/unclean spirits would be foolish to take a psychoactive drug. When we study at church, our pastors talk about how you get a target on your back when you stand against the devil. The people responsible for the gospels were getting death threats guys… AND letters explaining how there comrades were caught, tortured, and/or killed. The people responsible for the gospels were too disciplined to make the mistake of “tripping” with that kind of fight on their hands. I am surprised anyone would think differently then what I just explained. The responsibilities to the people the writers of the gospels had would have kept any decent leader away from shrooms or hallucinogens as well. I hope this helps anyone wondering.

Melatonin: I used this one recently for around eight to twelve months. After three or four months I got some weird symptoms. Mayoclinic.org has a list of side effects that you should see if you use this sleep aid. I experienced short bouts of chemical depression when using it. Happened at work for no apparent reason. Short moments of hopelessness. I didn’t understand it, and it took time to figure out it was the Melatonin. If you read the opiate part of this paper then you know I know chemical depression very well… I suggest if you are using Melatonin you keep and eye out for chemical depression. I stopped using Melatonin completely and I would avoid using Melatonin if I were you. I think the symptoms were getting worse over time and now that I don’t use it I am much happier without the weird random bouts of depression. Weird bouts of depression for no good reason… Like right in the middle of me working. Weird-Bouts-of-Depression??? Check your Melatonin use.

Tips for quitting drug use: 

Recognize the negative impact your drug use has on those around you and use that as motivation to quit.

Change your environment because the people around you really have a big impact on your life.  Flee from the situation if you have too.  Sometimes it takes fleeing at times to win in the long run.  Fleeing is a good option to keep in mind.

A rehab facility where you can sleep through the worst part of withdrawal(s) is of much use. Doctors are able to help you there.

A Pastor I like said, “appetite and opportunity.” You can control either of those to help combat an addiction. Kill the appetite by abstinence/refusal. Kill the opportunity by changing location. Asking for help in Prayer with your addictions works wonders.

Very Special Note:

I hinted earlier that a government cannot remove a religion from a school system without (in effect) creating another religion in its place.  Your highest truth(s) and ideals are there (perhaps lacking efficiency) whether you identify them as being there or not.  You still have something in the place of religion you are adhering to… The question is: Do you have the correct truth/foundation/trajectory? America did so well when we adhered to the Gospel of Christ. In fact, our enemies recognized the gospel of Christ as something they would have to separate us from in order to conquer/destroy us. The Gospel of Christ worked that well and I’ll speak more on this below, but that fact is kind of the proof in the pudding of how much we still need to be adhering to it. I can still hear my Mom saying to me, “That’s the gospel Mr.” (As far as what she was saying being a foundational truth that I best respect; as well as referencing the time tested truth and reliability of The Gospel of Christ.) You should actively choose a religion because it represents your morals, your hopes, your values… what you expect based on how you act. Humanity has a history in The Holy Bible and it is the most accurate history we have. Who’s idea was it to take THAT out of schools again? They still around? Communist ties perhaps? Madeleine O’Hare? You are going somewhere (into the future) so you better get the best idea of how to do that.  Our school system effectively operates under the guidelines of a religion no matter what it does because religion is a kind of trajectory over time.  The future is taking shape… It’s safe to say America is recognizing we are going in the wrong direction and an incorrect orientation of the Highest truth(s) equals disaster.  I’m not saying the government has to choose a religion…  in this case the government simply needs to let the people study the Holy Bible in schools again.  “The Bible as History” was a class offered in high school at one point in my youth. Bring it back. The government simply needs to undo what it did in the sixties when they took The Holy Bible out of schools and perhaps/probably acknowledge their blunder by acknowledging the existence of exorcisms.  Jesus said his teachings were an indispensable foundational tool and his teachings worked until we took them out of our school system. His teachings kept our kids safe/safer. Misrepresentation of the highest truths equals disaster over time (that’s the Marxist’s strategy against us/see video “James Lindsey and Ben Shapiro interview below).  Government… If you gave the U.S. a trajectory by taking The Holy Bible/Prayer/religion out of schools you in effect gave it a religion, so let’s get some proper orientation and revisit the importance of acknowledging religion/Christ within the school systems.  If something doesn’t change, The Supreme Court will go down as the institution that destroyed America because they are responsible for removing the ability to teach out of The Holy Bible from public schools.  Do you realize that the school systems teach kids about sex differently than The Holy Bible does?  Do you realize how many hurt people there are because of just that?  I have female friends that cut themselves because they were not educated properly on sex’s true costs/risks. Notice that America’s enemies made a list of things that needed to happen in order to destroy America… On that list is to remove the American people from The Gospel of Christ (the religion/foundational teachings/trajectory that got Western Civilization this far).  https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/naked-communist45-goals-destroy-united-states-america-waghelstein (Check Numbers 27 and 28). You need to know why our enemies deem The Gospel of Christ as such a strength to the American people that they have to remove it in order to destroy us.  Separation of church and state probably does not mean what you think it means.  The letter in which this idea is stated by Thomas Jefferson is a letter promising that the government will stay away from infringing on the rights of the people to study their respective religions. The way the public school system is now, the government infringes on the rights of people to study The Holy Bible in public schools. You have removed the American people’s ability to have religion and instead institute Athiesm. You require kids to be in an Atheistic environment eight or so hours a day by law… (That is government enforced separation from Christ which infringes on separation of church and state. Something else has to fill that “Truth vacuum”). People have religions as a consequence of their existence.  It’s man’s attempt to acclimate to the highest Truths/ideals. I said it before, and I will probably say it again.  I think when Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” I believe that at least means “You can search the world for Love/prosperity and how to Love/prosper correctly, but, IF you find it; it will look exactly like what I have been teaching you all along.” 

If you want life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness you better remember who laid America’s foundation.  The Founding Fathers foundation I mean…  (Hint: we base time around his life).  If you underestimate the power of God’s word (The Holy Bible), look up a man named Les Brown.  He is a motivational speaker born with what doctors said was a seriously lacking intellectual ability and he now travels the world teaching other people how to think.  In a audio lesson I heard from him (I am unable to locate it at this time), he gives direct credit for his turn around to “reading The Holy Bible.”  In this video you can hear him quoting The Holy Bible heavily and even saying that it’s words are the words he motivates himself with in the mornings. Him quoting God’s word so much is kind of the proof in the pudding of what I am telling you I witnessed about him crediting The Holy Bible as his source of healing. Our kids could have what he got.

Researchers think that you can’t increase a person’s intellectual ability…  Les Brown is proof that you can.  Les Brown is proof that God’s Word can.  Right now, American public schools represent eight hours a day where your child can not study the most important information known to man.  I highly advise you supplement their curriculum with Bible Study, Church, and YouTube videos from proper stewards of the Word. I urge you to help get Bible’s back in America’s school systems. The transformative effect of God’s word on Les Brown’s life is proof of God’s existence in my book.

Two of the smartest guys in the world going over what is happening in America’s schools. Great bullet point pop-ups… VH-1 eat your heart out.

Special Note: If I had a child that was handicapped, mentally or physically, I would teach them to read The Holy Bible because Les Brown is living proof that God’s word can heal them. I highly suggest that. I suggest clinical studies of this phenomenon as well.

YouVersion Bible app is in the google play store. It has almost every translation available and can be put on your phone. I think the Amplified Bible is my favorite translation and that translation is my go to.

Flowing In The Light is a channel on YouTube where you can listen to a person read you the Amplified Bible. It is a good option to have in mind for learning.

Contact The Author Via E-mail: sciencegospelbridged@yahoo.com

Contact the author on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083168149422

Legal Statement: This website and the information therein is free to transmit. If you share it on a public platform you get paid to transmit from, like YouTube or Spotify… I hereby legally authorize you to freely use this website and transmit the information there in without worry of legal or civil lawsuits of any kind. This website is free to everyone. I personally hope that if you find the information here of benefit that you will share the good news. That being said: I am getting heavy hacker attempts and I urge you all to make copies of anything you find interesting in case they get through.

If you are a fan of this website I need your help.  Please inspire others to seek knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Just say, when someone gives you the chance: “I am learning about Jesus.”  You can throw in the fact that there is a published agenda that went before congress, in which America’s enemies made it known that they wanted to separate us from the knowledge Jesus’s life afforded us…  You can say, “I want to know what my enemies didn’t want me to know.” I would really appreciate your help with this because proliferating the knowledge of Christ would have a blanket effect across all our problems. *that agenda is here, number 27 (and 28) is what I am talking about: https://cultureshield.com/PDF/45_Goals.pdf

If anyone ever tells you to PROVE God’s existence… you can pull your phone out and stick this website in their face. Pastor Hagin has a story about an encounter with a man that was genuinely upset about having proof of God/Heaven from the pastor. Pastor Hagin handled the situation with prayer, but, I assume that if he had a mobile phone with internet he would have just given them this website and said “Here it is, about eight different proofs. Sharing this website with someone is a great idea! It’s free!

Statement of faith: I praise the name of God Our Father, his son Jesus Christ, and my friend The Holy Spirit. I choose them as my family, and I bless their name.  Praise be to Jesus Christ for his victory over death, The Devil, and for redeeming me/us with his precious blood.  I am lost without you savior.  Thank you! Thank you also to all my prayer warriors for phoning those in for me! All Glory to God!; For he saved my life!

Donations: If you have “Help You” money, then finding people that are trying to make the world a better place is a good investment. The MacArthur Fellowship is a great example of investing in creative individuals. I am hoping someone reading will give me a shot to make a difference with some serious financial grace/charity. I need to free up my time.

Pastor Kenneth E Hagin notes that if our adversary can, he will jam an individual up financially. There is a God of this world called Satan. Our adversary has definitely interfered in my finances. I have witnesses who have seen the physical attacks. Being physically attacked by something invisible “limits your ability to earn money,” and I would be working a job that brings home triple what I make now if it were safe for me to do so.

Go Fund Me link:  https://gofund.me/4f279d22