As an individual, I recognize anger/bitterness to be counterproductive to the health/peace/Love I strive to cultivate in my life and the lives of others around me.  I offer/proliferate the following knowledge in hopes of freeing others from misinformation and heartache. 

As I study this issue, I note that there are white and black people on both sides of right/wrong when it comes to Slavery.  From African American slave owners numbering around two thousand in Louisiana, including these ten noted by historians: To the white “president” of the underground railroad (Levi Coffin) and other key white abolitionists noted here:

Underground Railroad “President” <— here

The dude Muhammad Ali’s original name came from is a good look up too.

Cassius Clay <— His YouTube biography’s are live action. #Legend

If you look up the people involved in the underground railroad you see a mix of white and black individuals set against the injustice of slavery.  If you look up the people promoting slavery, you see a mix of white and black individuals as well.  I imagine the common denominator for people opposed to slavery was Love for their neighbor.  The majority of white people opposed to slavery were Christian in their upbringing and that fact is not something to overlook. It speaks to the Love and understanding Jesus brought into the world as well as what his teachings foster. From Quaker William Wilberforce and his friends labelled “the Saints,” in the 1783 Great Britain Parliament pushing to end slavery, to Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of White and Black children walking hand in hand without care of skin color, you can find Jesus’s guidance as an underlying force.

For Whites and Blacks in America to be divided on this issue after fighting side by side to end it… I think someone is lying. I would ask you to turn you attention to Dr. Thomas Sowell’s take on what is causing America’s problem. I think he has done a fine job of narrowing in on the lie(s) surrounding the issue. “Then you will know the truth, and the truth will Make you free.” Is a quote from Jesus. Found in John 8:32 of The Holy Bible. I am taking that quote a bit out of context from it’s original form, but I believe there is a lie here oppressing Americans that Dr. Sowell clears up and this is a chance to give Jesus the credit for saying what I hear repeated so often. “The Truth Will Make you Free.” ~ Jesus of Nazareth.

This video is something you need to see. The original ones I used are now gone/missing.

Dr. Thomas Sowell is someone to check out on this issue.

Please note this is an African American PhD holder that teaches at Stanford University explaining these issues. From what I see the creator of “Roots” lied (created false narratives) in order to polarize African Americans in a good direction. I think his intentions were good but he did not understand his narrative(s) over time serves only to hurt African Americans as well as others affected. I think if you are African American and adopt the “Roots” narrative you get this “open wound” that you struggle to close/heal from. The truth about slavery is not found in “Roots” anyway, and that fact is pointed out by Dr. Sowell in these videos. Jesus taught us to forgive each other and I think these lies surrounding the “roots” narrative makes forgiving/healing for African Americans much more difficult. The “Roots” didn’t help African Americans… It is in the way of us growing in Love towards our neighbor(s)… and it’s a lie. If you or someone you know subscribes to this false narrative, we need to fix the issue so try to talk it out. Giving them a link to this page is a good way to encourage discourse.

I urge you to grow closer to Jesus and learn from him as so many of humanity’s champions of Civil Rights have flowed from Jesus’s camp. My concern for African American people in America is “Are these narratives causing you to struggle in your Love for your neighbor?” I had an African American man tell me I owed it to him and all black people to find out if my family owned slaves. He was very angry with me over slavery and basically wanted to label me a guilty party. He did not know that he would need to cross check his own family if we are going to judge each other along those lines. He was unaware there were African American slave owners. He was just polarized and hurt/angry. More recently I worked with an African American woman who was genuinely upset to live in the southern states of America because of “what they did to my people here.” She was defensive, hurt, and vocal about her disdain for her situation. I wish she knew she was standing beside the son of a women that spent her adult career helping African Americans find job placement after leaving prison. A white man raised to be color blind by a white parents was right there beside her, but still she saw what she had learned to see. Why didn’t she know that to set foot in Africa would be to set foot in a land where the people hurt her people by making them into slaves? I want her to know she is both loved here and now by good people of every color, and struggling against bad people of every color. The same as everyone else. The same as we did back then. A current example of this would be the multi racial drug dealers selling to any race they can, including their own. It’s Good vs Evil guys… don’t let them push you out of love for your neighbor or your personal peace with false narratives/lies. “God is Love”! 1 John 4:8. Let us glory(achieve) in him! Praise Jesus!

A recent debate over reparations and I will comment below about Denise Longs arguments:

In regards to Ms. Longs arguments, I think sorting out who owes who what may be impossible. There are White families/people that fought beside Black families/people that should not have their money going to pay for something they refused to take part of, or even actively fought against. How are you going to make sure that those “good” people’s families aren’t going to be unjustly burdened by reparation payments as well as also making sure the Black families that owned slaves are paying their share? I also doubt that America has enough money to pay if you factor in the national debt. I would argue that we are at a precarious time in which America may overspend itself into destruction like Spain did 500 years ago. As a Christian I think you are asking for something I would gladly give if I had it. I would pay it just to ease your anger and displeasure at your families past circumstances. That being said… I think the Lord has dealt with all guilty parties of the past, and I like to think African-Americans carry a special blessing from God, like the one sung about in Bob Marley’s “Redemption Song.”

The corruption in the Catholic Church’s past sucks, and I think it’s best to note the same kind of things happened during the time of Jesus with the Pharisees… The Pharisees were noted for stealing widow’s inheritances. So-called religious leaders that don’t Love others like they should are nothing new and I hope we stay away from stereotyping good churches with bad churches. I think these situations highlights why I am taught/encouraged to follow Jesus (The Word of God) first and foremost, by every Pastor I count worth their salt. Back when that Catholic church was able to get by with that kind of thing was before people could read The Bible for themselves. The literacy rate wasn’t very high back then and you also had to know Latin to read The Bible until 1526, so Western believers were kind of at the mercy of their leader’s moral/ethical integrity. People were buying spots in the church leadership back then because of the political sway (control over people/countries) those positions held. Please be careful Ms Long, I hope you find Peace and “Walk in Love” without this situation robbing you of either of those things. Confirmation bias is something to think about (especially these days). I think the teachings/knowledge in The Holy Bible has great utility in fighting against confirmation bias and our tendency towards it. Try not to let money hold the most sway for you in this matter. More Love for your/our people, seen as the greater benefit to them, would incline us to look towards the future.

Reactions to Roots narrative being proved false:

Special Note: Look up the first slave owner in America… It ain’t pretty. We could only have indentured servants until this guy sued? Wow… Yup, he was African American.

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If you are a fan of this website I need your help.  Please inspire others to seek knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Just say, when someone gives you the chance: “I am learning about Jesus.”  You can throw in the fact that there is a published agenda that went before congress, in which America’s enemies made it known that they wanted to separate us from the knowledge Jesus’s life afforded us…  You can say, “I want to know what my enemies didn’t want me to know.” I would really appreciate your help with this because proliferating the knowledge of Christ would have a blanket effect across all our problems. *that agenda is here, number 27 (and 28) is what I am talking about:

If anyone ever tells you to PROVE God’s existence… you can pull your phone out and stick this website in their face. Pastor Hagin has a story about an encounter with a man that was genuinely upset about having proof of God/Heaven from the pastor. Pastor Hagin handled the situation with prayer, but, I assume that if he had a mobile phone with internet he would have just given them this website and said “Here! Have at it!” Sharing this website with someone is a great idea! It’s free!

Statement of faith: I praise the name of God Our Father, his son Jesus Christ, and my friend the Holy Spirit. I choose them as my family, and I bless their name.  Praise be to Jesus Christ for his victory over death, The Devil, and for redeeming me/us with his precious blood.  I am lost without you savior.  Thank you! Thank you also to all my prayer warriors for phoning those in for me! Glory to God!

Donations: If you have “Help You” money, then finding people that are trying to make the world a better place is a good investment. The MacArthur Fellowship is a great example of investing in creative individuals. I am hoping someone reading will give me a shot to make a difference with some serious financial grace/charity. I need to free up my time.

Pastor Kenneth E Hagin notes that if our adversary can, he will jam an individual up financially. There is a God of this world called Satan. Our adversary has definitely interfered in my finances. I have witnesses who have seen the physical attacks. Being physically attacked by something invisible “limits your ability to earn money,” and I would be working a job that brings home triple what I make now if it were safe for me to do so.

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