Do you teach kids about Lions, Tigers, and Bears? We teach our kids about predators/danger so they know when they see the signs (ex. a wild jungle, ludicrous excrement) they keep their wits about them/work to defend themselves. The first video is of Dr. Richard Gallagher. He graduated from Princeton University before training in Psychiatry at Yale. He is a professor of clinical psychiatry at New York Medical College and on the faculty of Columbia University. He is the person that decides whether someone is crazy/mentally ill… or demonically possessed. I urge you and everyone you know to make note of the following conversations:

This video is a Catholic Exorcist explaining how actual exorcisms work, and the events leading up to an exorcism (such as a mandatory psychological evaluation). A lot of other beneficial information as well. Please note: Devout Christians are known not to lie and often noted for honesty/Integrity. There is a ridiculously high probability that Fr. Dan Reehil is telling the absolute truth as well as he knows it.

This video has home footage of an exorcism. The Title is correct. These are life changing truths that everyone should know. This video has great information as well that I would be interested in if I were you.

These videos present a situation in education that must be corrected… America has taken the Truth out of their schools. Teaching our kids Evolution THEORY when we have proof like whats above that the gospel of Jesus Christ is accurate… At this time, I am not arguing the fallibility of evolution theory. I am telling you that for young people’s minds to be clouded by the removal of The Holy Bible from schools (Which sends the signal to our kids that our smartest leaders assessed The Bible as false) is horrible. Our leaders have compounded the problem, (vulnerability of our youth), by bringing forth a THEORY that can not be proven, (evolution theory), at the same time.

What I am asking: If you are a teacher defend the truth. I am sorry you are underpaid and Heaven knows I should have been a little easier on you guys when I came through the school system, but, if you believe in Jesus Christ, play these videos in your classrooms. Teach these truths in your classrooms and make the ignorant take you to court were you can clearly win if you prepare correctly. I am not saying anyone has to. I am suggesting your resistance should be a highly calculated move, and every one of you that does so would push back against the highest order of ignorance in our land. Please note; I am a graduate of America’s public school system and I was almost killed by demons. Someone failed to inform me and made my teachers reluctant or possibly scared to mention the gospel in class… You created 8 hours a day were I could not study the information that would have protected me. You forced me to go to your place of education for 8 hours a day, (where you made a big case not to believe) or you would have locked my parents behind bars… Please… Put the Gospel of Christ back in schools based on it’s proximity to the truth.

Special Note: If Americans are forced to attend public school(s) by government mandate, and public school(s) force (or STRONGLY persuade) individuals to disregard the gospel of Christ (by discrediting)… Do you realize that the middle class of America can be manipulated towards atheism in all of their generational gaps by their finances? You rig inflation/taxes to force more people into middle class (or keep them there) and then send them through the “Jesus/truth discrediting machine” (the public school system)… If I were a church leader, The American public school system would be THE priority for evangelism/orientation to the truth. The collapse of the dollar would hurt BIG TIME. America could probably survive that like Spain or Germany did… But if we don’t fix the schools and stop promoting Nicolaitan practices in this country (pornography) we are going to get bit by a bigger snake then the collapse of the dollar ever could be. The collapse of the dollar you can most likely survive… The loss of Truth/Love/Understanding removing The Bible from schools has created, we won’t survive over time if that continues… The continued proliferation of pornography is a more scary scenario than losing the dollar also I think…

Special Note: Could a government high-jack another country/government’s pornography industry and use it as psychological warfare against that countries people? The answer is yes and I am warning you to check your 6 O’ Clock.

To America’s Military: Satanic cults are already using these avenues (open doors/pornography websites) to attack (psychologically influence) our masses. I know from the video below at the 00:04:25 Minute Mark that America’s military knows better than to open bad doors (or leave them open).

This video is an interview with Ben Shapiro and someone who will help break down what is happening in the psychological side of the war against the America people. In this video he is going to mention and go over how the Marxists manipulate truth… I am telling you that all their manipulations have to take place in lower truth(s) than The Holy Bible offers. The hinge on which all this stuff hangs was getting The Bible out of schools and away from young minds. The Bible is the cure for all of this because it contains greater truths than Marxists can manipulate. Very crucial video with nice pop-up explanations. Thank you Mr. Lindsay… Awesome stuff my friend.

If anyone ever tells you to PROVE God’s existence… you can pull your phone out and stick this website in their face. Pastor Hagin has a story about an encounter with a man that was genuinely upset about having proof of God/Heaven from Pastor Hagin. Pastor Hagin handled the situation with prayer, but, I assume that if he had a mobile phone with internet he would have just given them this website and said “Here it is, about eight different proofs.“ Sharing this website with someone is a great idea! It’s free!

Legal Statement: This website and the information therein is free to transmit. If you share it on a public platform you get paid to transmit from, like YouTube or Spotify… I hereby legally authorize you to freely use this website and transmit the information there in without worry of legal or civil lawsuits of any kind. This website is free to everyone. I personally hope that if you find the information here of benefit that you will share the good news. That being said: I am getting heavy hacker attempts and I urge you all to make copies of anything you find interesting in case they get through.

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Contact the author on Facebook: Look for “Sciencegospel Bridged” as first and last name… You will recognized the logo or link here:

Statement of faith: I praise the name of God Our Father, his son Jesus Christ, and my friend The Holy Spirit. I choose them as my family, and I bless their name.  Praise be to Jesus Christ for his victory over death, The Devil, and for redeeming me/us with his precious blood.  I am lost without you savior.  Thank you! Thank you also to all my prayer warriors for phoning those in for me! Glory to God!

Donations: If you have “Help You” money, then finding people that are trying to make the world a better place is a good investment. The MacArthur Fellowship is a great example of investing in creative individuals. I am hoping someone reading will give me a shot to make a difference with some serious financial grace/charity. I need to free up my time.

Pastor Kenneth E Hagin notes that if our adversary can, he will jam an individual up financially. There is a God of this world called Satan. Our adversary has definitely interfered in my finances. I have witnesses who have seen the physical attacks. Being physically attacked by something invisible “limits your ability to earn money,” and I would be working a job that brings home triple what I make now if it were safe for me to do so.

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