Stating at Minute Mark 7:00 is how DNA proves God’s existence. Some people may have issue with Mr. Ham, but, I believe his explanation of how matter does not create “information” is spot on. I urge you to see at least that and judge each individual lesson according to each individual lessons value without losing a particular truth by stereotyping the whole presentation. How are our schools teaching differently than this? Please look into providing your youth with his teachings to help them combat misinformation in the world today. I think it would be a good move for a lot of reasons. I think he also explains the correct way genes are transferred through generations as well. Understand that the U.S. public school system is NOT teaching this to your kids. Mr. Ham is trying to set the science straight because your kids are being taught wrong in schools. You can google Mr. Ham and find his DVDs online. These are free on YouTube.

One thing that sticks out to me about Ken Ham is how he leans on the TRUTH. Jesus said God Our Father seeks those that will worship in Spirit and in TRUTH. Ken Ham is bringing big time TRUTH to the fight. In the “Thoughts on Christ” section of this website we learn an Atheist named J. Warner Wallace recognized and now follows Jesus Christ because he found the TRUTH. As Christians we have the TRUTH on our side and we need to let the world know that the TRUTH is with us. Again, this website is free and at your disposal… Somebody wants to argue the TRUTH… Well you got more than enough ammo in this website if you can get them to read it.

I urge you all to share this knowledge/ video with everyone you know! Tremendous faith building video! God Bless Mr. Ham! This video will protect the faith of the people who see them from being undermined by the teachings in the world and public schools… I would make sure everyone I love see’s these. Taken from “Answers in Genesis” channel on YouTube.

Another interesting scientific find/study:

If you are a fan of this website I need your help.  Please inspire others to seek knowledge of Jesus Christ.  Just say, when someone gives you the chance: “I am learning about Jesus.”  You can throw in the fact that there is a published agenda that went before congress, in which America’s enemies made it known that they wanted to separate us from the knowledge Jesus’s life afforded us…  You can say, “I want to know what my enemies didn’t want me to know.” I would really appreciate your help with this because proliferating the knowledge of Christ would have a blanket effect across all our problems. *that agenda is here, number 27 (and 28) is what I am talking about:

If anyone ever tells you to PROVE God’s existence… you can pull your phone out and stick this website in their face. Pastor Hagin has a story about an encounter with a man that was genuinely upset about having proof of God/Heaven from the pastor. Pastor Hagin handled the situation with prayer, but, I assume that if he had a mobile phone with internet he would have just given them this website and said “Here it is, about eight different proofs. Sharing this website with someone is a great idea! It’s free!

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Statement of faith: I praise the name of God Our Father, his son Jesus Christ, and my friend The Holy Spirit. I choose them as my family, and I bless their name.  Praise be to Jesus Christ for his victory over death, The Devil, and for redeeming me/us with his precious blood.  I am lost without you savior.  Thank you! Thank you also to all my prayer warriors for phoning those in for me! Glory to God!

Donations: If you have “Help You” money, then finding people that are trying to make the world a better place is a good investment. The MacArthur Fellowship is a great example of investing in creative individuals. I am hoping someone reading will give me a shot to make a difference with some serious financial grace/charity. I need to free up my time.

Pastor Kenneth E Hagin notes that if our adversary can, he will jam an individual up financially. There is a God of this world called Satan. Our adversary has definitely interfered in my finances. I have witnesses who have seen the physical attacks. Being physically attacked by something invisible “limits your ability to earn money,” and I would be working a job that brings home triple what I make now if it were safe for me to do so.

Go Fund Me link: